x ━━ one people

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❝ one people ❞


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Svetlana knows it the moment she stands outside the GRC Meeting Hall, on a cluttered street full of police cars, panicked people, and wailing sirens. The building is on complete lockdown, and while the NYPD has the area secured for the moment, they all know it won't last for long.

Her family came when Sam called, and now Svet is just waiting for the bloodshed to start.

Moving through the cops and civilians alike, Natasha and Svet walk at Bucky's side when he asks over their shared commlink, "What's the plan?"

"Karli's gotta be close." On his way, Sam's voice echoes in all their ears, "Keep your eyes open."

"Well." Natasha sighs, chin held high, "It could be anybody."

The rows of tactical units let them pass as they approach, crossing through the barricade and closer towards the Meeting Hall.

"—And by the way, I called in some backup."

"Excuse me!" A voice calls out to them from behind, "Are you guys supposed to be here?"

Their trio all stop to stare, a bit bewildered, but then the civilian reaches up a hand, pulls off their beanie, and then tears off a thin mask to reveal an all too familiar face, "It's me."

"Sharon." Bucky blinks, "What the h—ll are you doing here?"

"Relax. No one's looking for me here." The woman looks sharply at the older redhead, eyes widened slightly, "I thought you were dead."

"Ditto." Natasha comments with a simple raised brow, "My contacts all told me you got dusted with the rest of them."

Sharon hums at that, offering only a slight shrug, "Must have gotten our wires crossed."

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