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No one pov:

If you can read face expression like lan xichen then you can probably see that lan Wangji was jalouse

Lan Wangji though that after eating he will talk to wei ying and maybe he will tell him his feeling to him.

But then again he was scared that wei ying will reject him or he will hate him more

Why dose lan wangji thing that wei ying hater him well because he thinks that wei ying hated the cultivator world and that counts him too

At first he didn't want to tell but then he thought that it will be better to tell then not knowing the answer and this might be the last time he sees his wei ying


Wei ying was with the junior's in the kitchen the adults left the kitchen after eating to tall or better said argumenting

So wei ying had to watch owner the kids with lan zhan

Oh how he missed lan zhan but he thinks he hates him because of using demonic arts

So they and the juniors stayed in the kitchen he gave the juniors some of his receipts so they had something to do

And he and lan zhan where sitting at the table in silence before lan wangji made his first move

Lan wangji: wei ying

Wei ying:lan zhan?

Wei ying turned his head to lan wangji with an confused and nervous face

And lan wangji though it was cute

Lan wangji:do you hate me?

He asked

And wei ying looked at him with wiede eyes

Wei ying:no! Who told you that!

Yelled wei ying at him

Lan Wangji: i though that you will hate me

Wei ying: well i don't hate you but i don't know if you don't hate me

Lan wangjis heart stoped beating his adorable wei ying though that he hated him, knowing this his heart started to hurt

Lan wangjis:why would I hate you

Wei ying: because i walked the dark path ?

Lan Wangji: wei ying whatever decision you made i never hated you because in reality i-i loved you

Wei ying has his eyes wide. He was shooked he expected anything but that but then again he to loved lan wangji so he didn't lose time and kisses lan wangji on the lips

Lan Wangji at first was shooked but then he kissed wei ying back with so much love

After they broke the kiss lan wangji putted wei ying on his lap and huged wei ying by his waist and lan wangji buried his head in wei yinsgs neck.

Lan Wangji:missed wei ying really much

Wei ying:me to lan zhan me to

Said wei ying while petting lan zhan on his head

Lan wangji wanted to kiss wei ying again but he didn't want to rush it for Wei ying because even if he gave birth to a-yuan he was still raped by they wen Chao before he was pushed down the burial mounds, if lan wangji saw wen Chao in another life or his soul he will kill him right there with no mercy

Lan wangji: a-ying can I call you a-ying?

Wei ying: of course but only if I can call you a-zhan

Lan Wangji at first had rad ears but then in the end he agreed

Wei ying: so a-zhan did you want ask something?

Lan wangji:do you remember a-yuan?

Wei ying:of course I remember! He is my little bun!

Lan zhan: well i found him in a tree in the burial mounds and I took him in and he found him self a brother to

After hearing that from lan wangji wei ying starded to cry tears of happiness that his little bun didn't die in the end and that now he has not one but two little buns to spoil with motherly love!

Lan wangji saw that his a-ying was crying so he huged him harder and kissed his tears away

Wei ying:I'm gonna spoil them both with motherly love so much! But who is a-yuan and his brother?

Lan Wangji sighted because of how cute and confused a-ying looked

Lan wangji:a-yuan is sizhui and his brother is lan Jingyi

After saying that lan wangji looked at wei ying and saw that he was happy to know that his two little buns are hear but sad because lan wangji explained that his little bun dose not reamamber of him weary much

But lan zhan promise by him that he will explain to them everything but
I think they don't have to explain nothing because lan sizhui and lan Jingyi heard them and they both where happy to meat there new be mother or for lan sizhuis example he will be able to meet him mother again

And thy both where happy that there mother accepted jingyi as his own son to and they where happy that there father looked so happy


That's for chapter 3!

Wei ying was raped before he was thrown down burial mounds by wen Chao who was the rapist to

Lan sizhuis and lan wangji where on a   little mission where thy met an orphan jingyi and the adopted him

Both jingyi and sizhuis knew that there father was in love with someone and there Father explained it to them who it was!

So I think that's all for now to explain if I forgot something then pls tell me thank you for reading have a great day afternoon or night

Bye bye!

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