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No one pov:

The two children told that they wanted to share a room with there parents so wei ying tock them to him room that was at the end of the hallway

When they reached the room wei ying opens the door and let the three lans in ,after they entered wei ying closed the door and went to the closet and opened it , while finding some speer clothes for the three lan's he said that they can go take an bath in the bathroom while he looking for the speer clothes

When they finished bathing wei ying has found for them some black sleeping robs to put on.

Wei ying: i will go and take an bath. You can make yourself comfortable

Said wei ying before the went to the beach room

Lan Yuan :a-die

Lan wangji:hm?

Lan Yuan: it's not like i don't like it but...why do I feel from a-niang , birth motherly love as if a-niang birthed me?

Lan wangji : i knew the time will come to tell you the truth

Lan Yuan: a-die?

Lan wangji: the reason why you feel that motherly love from a-ying is becous... because he is your birth mother ,he give birth to you when he was in burial mounds, i just came to visit him and when I arrived at first all was alright but then his stomach started to hurt and we went to wen qing and she said he was giving birth...i didn't even know that he was pregnant but at that time it didn't matter what really mattered was to help him to birth you he lost really much blood at the birth we thought we would lose him but luckily he and you made it, after the birth he rested a bit and then i asked him why he didn't tell me about his pregnancy and who was the father ,he said that he was scared to tell me because he thought I would hate him and leave him...and when he said who your father was it made my blood boil and want to kill that person again and again...your father is wen Chao second son of wen Rouhan,that wen raped a-ying before he trowed him into the burial mounds

Lan Yuan and lan Jingyi where speechless, shocked lan yuan wanted to cry of happiness and rage of happiness because he has finally met him birth mother and of rage because his mother was raped by the enemy and he was forced to have him in his belly

Lan Yuan and lan Jingyi starded to cry lan Jingyi cried because of what he had to hear what his now new mother had to go through

When they both starded to cry wei ying came out of the bathroom and saw that his two little buns where crying so he rushed owner to them and asked why they where crying and the two lan brothers huged there mother so hard that for wei ying it was probably hard to breathe

Wei ying:tell me why are you two crying? What made my buns sad?

Wei said it with so much worry in his vice that it just hurts for the three, because they could help him

Jingyi: a-xian told us t-that Sizhui is you birth son and h-how you got him

Wei ying was shocked of what the reason was why his buns are crying
Lan wangji told him why he told them the truth

Sizhui accepted wei ying as his birth mother thy agreed that Sizhui and jingyi will spend the day with wei ying to get to know him better

They had a happy time till they fall asleep ,they didn't even see the silver butterfly in the room


Xie lian : look a-ying found his soulmate and children

Hua Cheng: that lan wangji better not brack my little a-yings heart

Xie lian: I don't think he will, look at him he is similar to you he was waiting for a-ying to come back he never give up even if if it took him 800 years or More he would wait, till a-ying comes or till he finds him, don't you even dare to hurt second young master lan if you hurt him you hurt a-ying , did you understand me?

Hua Cheng:y-yes gege

Xie lian: you should get to know second young master lan

Hua Cheng: and why should I?

Xie lian: because you will be brothers-in-law soon



Good that hualian room had an silent spell on it or else hua Cheng would have woken everyone up by now but let's get back to wangxian room

Lan wangji:' a-ying I promise that I will protect you and our children this time but mostly you, I wouldn't survive to lose you a second time the children are happy to have you as there mother and Sizhui is happy to have you by his side again , jingyi is happy to have you as his mother too you two will probably be two little
Hónglián we will have our little family grow we will have more Litte a-yings run around, Hónglián if you die again then I will die with you'

Lan wangji looked at the sleeping wei ying and he smiled he finally found his happiness his freedom his life his heart his soulmate...his Hónglián


Hónglián ( traditional Chinese)- red lotus (English)

Hope you liked chapter 5 of 'thes 13 years '

It's not the final chapter i plan on Wirtting more

Christmas was yesterday so merry Christmas stay happy and healthy !


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