Chapter 7

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His Lucy refused to recognize their destiny. She refused that night, on the sea, and the next day, on the land.

Probably because she had not grown up on the sacred island.

Torun watched her maneuver her rusty boat between the sleek white ships to the crowded main dock.

On the sacred island, she would have heard about his kind from her mother and grandmother. She would know it was her fate to live on the bottom of the ocean and give him a young fry.

As long as she carried his mating jewel, which she called a Sea Opal, in a special pouch at her hip, its siren song would call to her. She would believe in him, and her soul light would shine.

"You move this boat skillfully," he stated.

Her soul light burned brighter.

Then she dimmed and waved his comment away.

"I've been sailing these waters for years," she said. "My dad had a charter business off the coast of Oregon, so when I grew up, I sailed through rocky shores every summer. This is nothing."

"Many others do not handle their boats as well."

She looked over his shoulder. The crew on larger vessels struggled, and smaller vessels got hung up on hidden snags. "Well, it can be deceptive if you don't know the area."

She eased into their docking place.

The engine squealed. They bumped the dock hard.

She winced. "Ugh. You praised me too soon. I'm out of practice."

He caught her in his arms. "You are wrong."

"I am so out of practice." She pushed against his arms, her cheeks reddening. With their skin contact, he felt her heart thump loudly in her chest. "Usually, I do better. I haven't had the chance to get out much."

"No, Lucy. I must praise you."

She stopped struggling. "Huh?"

"Praise makes your soul shine brightly."

She paused.

He luxuriated in her softness. Her gentle skin caressed his forearms, and her swelling curves pressed against his thighs.

"Something has beaten you down and caused your light to dim. But you deserve to shine, Lucy. You are more beautiful than any woman I have ever known."

Her dark eyes were glued to him, and her sweet tongue licked her lips. Then she shook herself. Her frown returned, and she pulled away.

"Since you're from an isolated, all-male tribe, I'm guessing I'm also the only woman you've ever known." He had told her more about his city last night, and now she was using that knowledge to dismiss him. "It's sweet of you to say it, though. I almost can't stand to turn you loose."

"I do not wish to be turned loose." He stroked her sinuous spine and pressed her against his rock-hardness. "I want you close. Naked with me. Making our young fry."

She sucked in a breath and pushed free. "No."

Doubts panged.

Every time she refused him, and every time her soul dimmed, the council's words of warning echoed.

"You cannot claim a modern bride."

No! He would not believe the council. She was his destiny.

Lucy was his.

He controlled his frustration. "Why do you refuse me?"

She stomped across the deck, echoing the anger he'd tried not to express. "It's for your own good."

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