Chapter 20

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Torun held her close as he flew through the brilliantly green, organic passageways of her new home.

The plant-cell rooms flashed by. Sparkles traced their flight, as though the castle had stood empty and their heartbeats were bringing it back to life. Veins pulsed with energy, and gemstones gleamed in the breathing walls. They connected with her, energizing her. She resonated with Torun, and her new castle welcomed her just as Lassie had welcomed her. Here, she belonged.

She gripped her handsome husband's wide back. He flexed powerfully, darting through the narrow corridors. Eager. So wonderfully eager.

Lucy loved him.


He stopped in a dead end and touched the wall. "Put your hand beside mine."

She did.

The wall was cool and smooth as marble. It sparkled around their handprints, and then the marble flexed inward, opening to reveal a secret inner chamber. Soft cinnamon-gold light gleamed with promise like a treasure chest reflecting riches.

Torun carried her across the threshold. The door sealed behind them.

Her nerves jangled.

His fins retracted to human feet, and he held her gently in the still, soothing water. His tattoos matched the cinnamon gold, and everything softened in this private chamber. These inner walls were warm as a fluffy bed, yet smooth as the tile of a Turkish bath, and delightfully sensuous. The room itself seduced her.

She tangled her fingers in his silky black hair. "Thank you for bringing me here."

His eyes glowed with fierce aquamarine fire. "Your journey begins now."

Yes. This was the first night of their marriage. It began a new adventure, one that would change them both forever.

And she had never been more nervous.

He kissed down her jaw to her sensitive neck.

She clung to his broad shoulders. His muscles flexed. These muscles had carried her so safely to the city. She savored the dips and bulges.

Lovemaking was supposed to be easy and thought-free. How it used to be. Before the failures. Before everything went wrong.

Her heart clenched.

Don't think about the failures. Don't think about the past. Don't think about tomorrow. She closed her eyes and tried to recapture the delicious magic from moments before. Lose yourself in Torun right now.

His hands withdrew.

She opened her eyes. "Torun?"

Hurt scarred his face. "You do not wish to join."

What the heck? She jerked upright and covered her chest. "Yes, I do!"

"No, Lucy. You lie."

"But I do," she insisted. "We're kissing. I'm into it." And the sooner they got back to it, the easier it would be to push away the fears rising in her mind.

"Then why is your light dim? Now, of all times?" He gestured at her closed position.

Oh. Stupid light that only he could see. Her shoulders sagged. She covered her face. "I do. But..."


"Well, I just keep thinking about how to make it work." She dropped her hands. "You're going to leave me if I can't have kids, and we haven't done anything to—"

"Hold." Torun gripped her biceps. "I will not leave you."

"But you—"

"You are mine." His aquamarine eyes gleamed with command. "I am yours. Our hearts connect. You will carry our young fry."

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