Chapter 9

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Lucy's friends were riveted by her exciting news, and Lucy's soul light brightened with regal command as she explained her plans to collect more of the Sea Opals and keep it a secret from evil credit-stealers such as her ex-husband.

"In exchange, I've agreed to find women for Torun's tribe," Lucy told them, forgetting the most important part—that she would become his bride. "The tribe is all male."

Mel grinned. "You have to create a dating site and name it Plenty of Fish."

"That's already taken," Lucy said.

"Oh, but it would be perfect! Sign them up," Mel said.

"We'd have to read their terms and conditions." Lucy's mouth twisted. "But let's be practical for a minute. This is all a little crazy. Isn't it?"

Mel pursed her lips. "Hmm. I guess. But I have faith you'll find someone with the technical skills to set up a tribe of good-looking mermen."

"What? No, I mean, the rest of it." Lucy raised her brows. "Tell me I'm crazy for going back out on the ocean all alone."

Torun leaned forward. "You will not be alone, Lucy. You will be with me."

She swallowed. "Yeah..."

"Not to worry." Mel clinked her glass against Lucy's. "Praise me. I found you some unpaid interns."

"Good job! Who?"

Elyssa had never taken her eyes off the Sea Opal in Lucy's pouch. "May I?"

"Hmm? Oh, sure." Lucy handed over the gem.

Torun's belly flipped.

The Sea Opal passed to Elyssa, then Mel, and back to Elyssa again. He had given the jewel to Lucy, and she was, therefore, free to do with it as she liked. Even give it away to another in front of him.

But he did not like it.

Lucy kissed him. She refused his claim. She promised to stand up to his council. She planned for another woman to become his queen.

Had any warrior in a thousand years had to fight this confusion to claim his bride?

Then again, no other warrior had selected a modern bride. Torun would endure. His endurance would be rewarded in the end. It had to be.

The future of his race depended on it.

Elyssa turned Lucy's jewel over in her palm, her soul glowing as it resonated with the gemstone. "These stones are magical."

"They are mating jewels," he corrected. "Are you also seeking a husband?"

"If I found the right guy." Elyssa turned the sphere over and over. "Did you know when certain people get close to them, these gems actually glow?"

"Yes. We call it resonance."

"We do too! I was volunteering in the lab when I noticed the change. It's just a tiny glow. You can't see it with your naked eye."

"All warriors can."

"Really! I wish one of them had been in the room to back us up." She sighed. "The company scientists didn't believe us, but when they measured the samples, we were right. And the people who resonated with the samples also experienced stronger effects from our Sea Opal-infused cosmetics, like smoother skin and better healing from sun damage."

"Yes, that is natural."

"Natural? I think it's amazing. These gemstones are so mysterious."

"There is no mystery. Sea Opals are the tears of our Life Tree. All warriors are connected to it in our blood. When we find another who has an affinity for the sea and is compatible with our Life Tree, their soul will brighten. That is why we offer the Sea Opals to our brides. In the gemstone's presence, a bride's soul will shine."

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