Moving In.

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'Hadleeeeey, have you got your bags packed yet?'my lame excuse of a mother shouted. 'yes'i replied back bluntly. Last night my parents told me i was being sold,but not to him no they mentioned it this morning. There excuse was they needed the money to pay of debt, so they sold me?ME! couldnt they of sold the tv or something?

I slowly walked down the steps dreading it with every step i took. 'ah,there you are Hadley, your father wanted to say good bye before you went'mother stood there smiling. I turned to my father with a grim look,'Hadley i am ever so sorry dear, its for the best' he said reaching out for a hug, i walked forward and slowly hugging him even though i hated his guts at the moment i still was going to miss him like crazy. He softly whispered'love you'into my ear before kissing my cheek. Mother turned me around and did the same. Before i knew it i was in the car five minutes away from Ryker's house. My parents were in the front of the car and i was in the back, tapping away on my phone. 'Hadley Wilson updated her status to -going to hell wish me luck-'popped up on my news feed. I slid my phone into my back pocket and looked out the window. Mother quickly gave me a side glance out of the rear view mirror and a slight weak smile spread on her lips. 

Pulling up the drive way of the house im now going to be living in i took in every inch of it, the pebbles on the drive way glistened an emerald colour and there was trees dotted around the place. An outdoor pool peeking out of the side of the house, looking upwards i stared at the house, it was made out of what looked like stone, french windows and a massive wooden door, lets just say its a big house. Opening the car door i stepped out and walked to the boot of the car. Green pebbles crunching under my feet, opening the boot i took out my suitcase and several bags consisting of my     clothes, laptop, iPad, and other important things. 

My parents stepped out and helped me with the bags, dragging my suitcase along with me i walked  up to the front doors, before i could knock the door swung open and out stepped Ryker his older brother Nate and his sister Claudia. Ryker had messy blonde hair and green eyes that sparkled his was wearing a rolling stones top, sweatpants and converse, Nate was dressed up in his black suit and polished italian shoes. On his way to work i think and Claudia was wearing pj bottoms and a white top with UGG slippers. Ryker nodded to me and took my suitcase wheeling it inside and into the house. My parents followed me in and stood there looking around in awe. 'Claudia, take Hadley to her room whilst i speak to Mr and Mrs Wilson'Ryker said, he handed me the suitcase whilst Claudia took my bags, she led me up the spiral staircase and onto the landing. There were loads of polished oak doors lining the hallway the walls were painted a light green with flecks of emerald on them, each door had a plate of green with names on. I caught the ones that said 'Anna and Isabelle' 'Dylan and Jack' and several others. 'Wow you have alot of siblings' i said looking up and down at the doors. 'Ehe,yeah you could say that' Claudia said nervously. She took me down to the end of the hallway and turned left leading me to a door that said 'Hadley' she smiled before walking in. The walls were painted black with stripes of pink and silver running down them, the carpet was a hot pink with a black fluffy rug placed at the side of the bed, the bed was a king size and was black iron with pink bedding and fluffy cushions. I turned to my side and saw 2 doors, one that was the bathroom and another a walk in wardrobe:O i opened the door and inside was a pale pink with white wardrobes, opening the wardrobe doors were lined with different shades of colours. Loads of clothes. I turned to Claudia with my mouth opened wide. She nodded and said 'Ryker told me to get clothes for you, so me and Mother went shopping and bought loads we wasnt quite sure what you liked so we got some cute clothes;the sort that i would wear, we got some 'chillout' clothes for you and partying clothes and Mother wasnt sure so she bought you loads of black, with trousers that have studs and chains;she wasnt quite sure if you was gothic or not?'Claudia said giggling. She went to the corner and sat in the chair.  I opened the other door and it was lined with shelves of shoes;all sorts ranging from Converse, Vans, Flats and Heels. I turned to Claudia and said 'Thankyou for all of this, i really appreciate it' She smiled and got up giving me a hug. 

After about 20 minutes of exploring all of my room she left me alone. I put everything of mine in the exact place i wanted it to be and walked to my wardrobe pulling out a Superdry t-shirt and some jeans. Pulling them on i opened my draw and pulled out some socks. Grabbed my slippers and went downstairs. I didnt exaclty knew where i was going so i decided to explore a little. Walking down the stairs i made a choice and went left; it led me to the kitchen. I saw Claudia and Mrs Taylor baking cookies. I shyly walked over and plopped down on a stool. 'ah Hadley,im Jenny'Mrs Taylor said. 'nice to meet you and must i say you have an amazing house here' i said looking around and the beautiful but messy kitchen. Claudia turned around,she had flour on her hands and face and hair,almost everywhere. I laughed and so did Jenny. 'How do you like you room?'Jenny said 'Like it/i love it, thankyou so much' i said 'aw thats okay honey, glad you like it'she said smiling. She walked over and gave me a hug. Shoving a tray of cookies into the oven. She clapped her hands clean of access flour and walked by the sink. 'Sweetie let me and Claudia go clean off then you can meet the family' she said before her and Claudia walked out.

Being in this house wasnt bad actually, Claudia is so lovely and Jenny is already like a mum to me, maybe them selling me might be a good idea. 

'Hadley come in here'Jenny shouted from the door across the hall. I walked in and there they were. Ryker, Claudia, Jenny and atleast 50 more. 'This is the family' Claudia said smiling at me. I stared at them all about 20 of them were females, and the rest were guys. SUPER HOT guys.

I looked to my right and my parents were sat there smiling at me. Mother perked up saying 'We have someting to tell you'her smile soon faded and was replaced with a nervous look. 

The other people in the room went out into the garden, some in the pool and some into the forest by the house. Ryker, Claudia, Jenny and my parents were left. 'Honey,we've sold you yes but thats not the reason isnt becaus of debt. When you was little around the age of 4 you was playing out in the garden when we heard a scream, we came running out and a massive chunk of your leg was bitten into we didnt know what had happened. We called all your family round and discussed this whilst you was in bed. We got in touch with the Taylor family about 3 years ago and they told us everything. Thats why we sold you, to keep you safe' Mother said looking tearful. 'Hadley,your a wolf'Dad said in the slightest whisper. ' A WHAT?! YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME'i shouted out. I looked at Ryker and his head was down staring at the floor so was Jenny's and Claudia's. 'Hadley,you were bitten by a wolf,on your 18th birthday you'll change. You'll have a wolf,one that you can shift into and have in your mind'Dad said. 

I looked at them gobsmacked,could this be real?am i a wolf!well that explains my scar running down my thigh. 

'But how do the Taylors know?'i said to them, 'Were wolves also,your parents did this for your safety,were here to keep you safe,out of trouble and away from the rogues! were a pack,all these people you saw earlier are wolves this is a pack house'Ryker said,damn his voice was so hot.

'Welcome to the Emerald Moon Pack sweetie'Jenny said. And with that my parents said there goodbyes and left.

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