Chapter three

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Despite Dean's protests Sam went hunting with John. The angel didn't like it because there was always a chance that something would happen to Sam and he wouldn't be able to save him. It shouldn't bother him so much since his mission was to protect all humans not just one.
"This isn't fair, " Dean said to himself as he watched Sam pack. He had a horrible feeling that something would happen if Sam went on this hunt.

"I know it isn't but it will be okay, you'll be there with me Dean, " Sam responded. Every time he went hunting Dean got anxious so he was used to this kind of reaction.
"Sammy you don't have to... " Dean started but was cut off.
"Do this I know but I've been thinking about what you said, " Sam said. "I don't know how I'm going to manage this but I want to try and live a normal life, " he explained. "Your perfect ending of me having a family of mine is something I've always wanted, " he continued. "But I don't want it if you're not going to be there, "

Dean took all this and wondered what Sam was trying to say.
"Sam, what are you saying?" Dean asked. Sam looked at his door for a few minutes to make sure no one was listening. As an extra precaution, he closed the door so none of his family members heard what he was about to say.
"I want to run away, I didn't know this until yesterday but I got a full ride to Stanford, " Sam explained. Dean for a few minutes didn't say anything because he was unsure how to express how proud he was. "It's my chance to get away and I want to take it, " he continued. "But... "

"There should be no but nothing should keep you from living a normal life, especially your father, " Dean finally said. "Sammy I don't really know how to say it since I'm aren't the best at expressing emotions, " he continued. "But I'm proud of you, and I want you to take this chance, " he kept going. "You're scared I know but I'll be with you, I'm always going to be right here," Instead of answering Sam hugged him. If there was one thing that made his miserable family life better, was when Dean supported him unconditionally.

"Sam get a move on!" John called from downstairs making the two stop.
"I swear one of these days I'm going to give that man a piece of my mind, " Dean growled. As patient as angels could be that wasn't the case when they were constantly around a human that was hurting their charge.
"No Dean I will not let John discover you he will hunt you until he finds a way to kill you, and I won't take that chance, " Sam answered. He pulled his duffle bag over his shoulder and told Dean that everything would be fine.

"Sam I'm tired of waiting get your butt downstairs!" John exclaimed bursting into Sam's room.
"I'm coming now get out, " Sam grumbled. He was in no mood to deal with any of his father's mood swings.
"Don't speak to me that way.. " John began but Sam cut him off by 'accidentally' slamming his bag in John's face. As he walked out of his room.
"My bad I didn't see you, " Sam said not looking back.

Dean laughed at the sight and flew after Sam, the angel wanted to be sure that Sam was safe when his father came out. He watched Sam place his duffle bag in the trunk of a 1967 impala. Dean thought that the car was very beautiful which Sam teased him about on a daily basis. A ton of weapons were also in the trunk of the car, as John Winchester had been a hunter for about eighteen years. His wife and son knew about it but didn't engage it, so John trained Sam from a young age. If there was one thing that angered Dean more than anything it was that Sam's father had no problem dragging his younger son into situations were he could die.

Sam most of the time came away unscathed but if there was an injury on him. Dean would punish John severely by making the monster only target him, or by making the older man trip so that whatever they were hunting had a better chance of catching up. Dean of course did all of this behind Sam's back, as the angel knew Sam would get angry at him if found out. Not because he was trying to hurt John but because if he did something too big, Dean might accidentally reveal himself without trying.

"Your thoughts are very loud, " Sam commented as he got inside the impala.
"I haven't said a word, " Dean responded getting in the backseat. Sam laughed at him and told his angel he could always tell when he was lost in thought.
"You got really quiet, " Sam answered with a smirk. Dean called him a bitch and Sam responded by calling him a jerk, but their conversation ended with John Winchester getting into the driver's seat.
"I've told you many times to drop the imaginary friend thing Sam, you're too old to have one, wake up and face reality, " John scolded.

"I'm no imaginary friend old man," Dean said though the older hunter couldn't hear him. The angel messed with John's car so that the lights began flickering. "Sorry about this baby but it's only temporary, " he continued talking to the car.
"Dammit, these lights still need fixing!" John yelled slamming his hand on the steering wheel. Sam rolled his eyes and mentally told Dean not to piss his father off. Dean said that he was making no promises since the guy deserved it.

The hunt turned out to be a total bust as the demonic omens turned out to be nothing but normally bad weather and a group of teens playing games. Much to Sam's surprise his father wasn't upset at all and said nothing to him as the two drove back to the house. It all felt too good to be true and the second they got back John stopped his son from going inside.
"What does the asshole want now?" Dean asked himself. Sam mentally agreed with him and turned around slowly.
"What do you want John?" Sam asked.

"Don't call me John son, I want answers about this, " John responded taking out an envelope from his pocket. Sam panicked when he recognized it, it was the envelope that had his acceptance letter. "Found this in the trash earlier today, you have something you want to tell me, " John got closer and Sam got uncomfortable since it was never good when that happened.
"I'm leaving that's what, " Sam explained, and just as John was about to scream at his son. Dean stepped in and tossed the man aside with ease.

"What the hell?" John asked unsure how in the world that had even happened.
"You heard me I'm leaving, " Sam responded like he had been the one who performed the action. "I got into my dream school so I don't have to deal with your abuse anymore, "
"You walk away from me don't you dare come back!" John screamed as he tried to get up but Dean kept him in place.
"I don't care anywhere is better than here, " Sam responded.

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