Chapter four

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After the incident with his father, Sam officially left his home for good. His stepmother and half-brother were now scared of him since they were convinced he had some kind of psychic power. In reality, he didn't but it was a bit amusing to pretend he did when he walked out the door.
"Did you see their faces, Dean? I don't think I'll ever have to worry about them again, " Sam said to his angel.

The two had been talking a lot ever since they left the house. Dean had used his powers to grab all of Sam's stuff since he wanted his charge to leave as soon as possible.
"Of course, I saw them, " Dean responded with a smile. It was rare that he ever saw Sam this happy and he hoped that he would see a lot more once they got to Stanford. "By the way, we are so taking the impala because I'm not leaving her here, " Sam rolled his eyes a bit.
"Your obsession with this car is actually a little worrying, " he responded.

Dean flew inside the car and playfully told Sam to shut up. It was also his way of saying that he wouldn't leave without taking the impala. Sam laughed to himself and agreed since he wanted to take the car anyway. It may have been his father's car but he had so many great memories of i. Since he had to move all the time, it was the closest thing he had to a home. Hopefully, now, things would change. Sam started the car and the two drove off, all the while discussing how long it would be before John realized his car was gone.

A few months later, when Sam was reaching the end of his first semester. Everything was going great, Sam had adjusted to college life well. He barely talked about his hunting life anymore and Dean loved the fact that Sam was studying prelaw. He always was good at arguing and defending people. But then an incident happened, Sam was having a nightmare which wasn't unusual. He had them when he was a kid, Dean however always calmed him down by using his grace to stop the dream. However, Dean couldn't stop this one and Sam fell out of bed.

He woke up frantically and started screaming about some girl that was going to die. It took Dean almost two hours to finally get him to calm down. He was scared since nothing like that had ever happened before. The angel hoped it was just a one night then but the nightmares kept happening and Sam couldn't fall asleep without having one. When the nightmares finally did stop, the girl in his dreams had died for real. She was mauled to death by an invisible pack of dogs.

"What's happening to me, Dean?" Sam asked one night.
"I don't know, " Dean responded. He wished he did know so that he could stop it. But he didn't and it made him feel helpless, he wasn't supposed to feel that way. Especially when it came to Sam, the kid was not only his charge but he saw Sam as his son. "I wish did know but I'm afraid I'll have to go to Heaven for answers, "
"No please don't leave Dean, I don't want to have a nightmare while you're gone, " Sam pleaded. He didn't care if he sounded like a small child, he was afraid of himself right now and he needed Dean's fatherly affection.

"It's the only way I can help you, but if you're that worried I will wait until morning, " Dean responded. Sam agreed to that and eventually fell asleep, he had no nightmares which should have relieved Dean. But it only made him more nervous, why did the dreams happen in the first place? So when Sam left for his first class Dean messaged Castiel through angel radio.
"Dean it's been a while since you've called me, what do you need?"  Castiel asked.
"Thank you for answering Cass, we need to talk I think something is wrong with Sam, " Dean responded. "He had terrible nightmares and they came true, "
"That is worrying I will speak to the archangels, they might know something, " Castiel answered. As a guardian angel himself to a young girl named Claire, he understood Dean's worry.
"Thank you, "  Dean answered and cut the connection.

Dean waited for the entire day hoping to hear something from Castiel. But it wasn't until the next day that he got called to Heaven for an urgent manner, it wasn't uncommon for him to get called back. He was still an angel after all and still had orders to follow, and people to protect.
"Dean I am glad you received my message, " Castiel said once he saw his younger brother. "Besides recent events, I trust your charge is doing well, "
"Yes, he is happier than I have ever seen him, " Dean responded. For the first time Sam had a group of friends he could keep, was able to keep his grades up, and even had a girlfriend.

During his first day, Sam had run into an art history student named Sarah, and the two hit it off immediately. Dean may have interfered a little bit by making Sarah fall into Sam's arms a few times. But Sam eventually worked up the courage to ask her out, after she had to hit him on the head with a book so he understood she was hitting on him. It was a very funny thing to witness and Dean wished he had gotten it on video. Whatever that was, he still didn't quite get the whole technology thing.

"I'm afraid I have terrible news then, " Castiel said pulling Dean from his haze. "I don't want you to become angry but we've discovered something about Sam, "
"What do you mean?" Dean asked. What was Castiel trying to say, Sam couldn't be suffering from a disease. He would sensed it immediately, so what could Castiel mean?
"It seems that one of the princes of Hell, Azazel to be exact has escaped and he's made deals to create his own special children, " Castiel explained. "We don't how long he's been doing this, but the archangels fear he's planning to make an army, " he kept going. "It's why Sam has been having all those nightmares, "

Dean took this all in not wanting to believe what Castiel was telling him. Sam couldn't have futures with demons, he was the kindest human Dean ever knew, and he had met a lot.
"I can't listen to this anymore, " Dean said turning away to fly away. Castiel grabbed his arm gently stopping him. "Sam isn't evil,"
"I know that Dean and every archangel knows that as well, " Castiel responded. "But you have to be ready for demons coming for him, " he continued. "They will test him and fight him so that he will fall into their plans for him, "

"I won't let that happen, " Dean responded firmly. If demons were going to be coming after his charge, under orders of Azazel. Then he would kill every single one to keep them from sinking their hands into Sam or anyone else. The demons below only wanted destruction and death for all the humans. They were selfish and only cared about themselves, angels were the exact opposite. They were selfless and cared about others, it was their duty to protect humanity.
"I know you won't but you must understand that Azazel is powerful, only an archangel can take him on alone, " Castiel cautioned.

"I know but if what you say is true then Azazel will attempt to free his brothers and Lucifer, " Dean responded. His golden wings shifted against his back in worry. "If that happens Michael will need every angel he can get, " he continued. "I have to protect my charge, "
"You're a true Guardian angel Dean, but remember don't lose a thousand lives just to save one, " Castiel told him. "We will be in touch I must return to the temple, they want me to patrol the earth, " Dean nodded and watched Castiel fly away.

He stayed in his place for a few moments unsure what to do before returning to earth. The information from earlier weighed heavily on him and he became incredibly quiet.
"Dean are you okay?" Sam asked him. He was beginning to get worried, his angel was never this quiet. Normally he was supportive, silly and a bit jerky but now he was just quiet. "Please you're scaring me, talk to me please, "

"Sammy I'm sorry, I just don't know what to do, " Dean finally said. "I've found something out recently and I don't know what I can do, " he continued. "And it's tearing me apart on the inside because I don't want you to hate yourself or me, "
"De whatever it is please just tell me, I can't watch you do this to yourself, " Sam responded. He hugged his angel desperate to comfort himself and Dean. "Whatever it is we will deal with it together, just like we always do, "

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