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{3rd person P.O.V.}

Emma woke up, immediately feeling pain, her head pounding as if someone kept punching her in the head. She sat up and groaned, her soft blanket surrounding her. As she looked around, trying to figure out what happened that night, she saw him. Asleep, his arm lazily draped across his stomach, his hair flawlessly tussled. How could someone look that good sleeping, Emma asked herself. Who was he?

Johnny Cade.

Emma's best friend for years, the boy who stood by me throughout her breakup with Dallas Winston and who never failed to make her smile. He was the most perfect boy in all of Tulsa, or at least, that's what Emma thought.

Emma quickly looked under the covers, threading her fingers in her frizzy blonde curls before letting out a sigh of relief. They were both clothed. She laid the blanket down softly before she turned and stared at Johnny for a moment, admiring how peaceful and happy he looked while sleeping. Emma didn't want to wake him.

She stood up, grabbing a pair of sweatpants and a white tank-top. She then went to the bathroom, locking the door behind her, and getting dressed. After she was done getting dressed out of blue jeans and a tight black shirt, she brushed her teeth and her hair before she washed her face. She felt drowsy, her thoughts were slow and her stomach churned slowly. She sighed as she looked in the mirror, more specifically the girl staring back at her. The ugly girl with black circles beneath her eyes. The longer she looked, the more she loathed the way she was begining to look. She snapped out of her thoughts, deciding to walk out of the bathroom before she curled into a ball and cried. Her eyes immediately snapped to Johnny, who still slept soundly. She was afraid that while she pampered herself that he'd wake up in the process.

She put her clothes in the hamper that sat beside her bedroom door before she laid down beside him, resting her head lightly on his shoulder, Her eyes drifting back to sleep.


"Emma." Her eyes fluttered opened, seeing Johnny awake. She sat up before yawning. "Do you remember last night?" He asked. A hint of drowsiness still in his voice. Johnny had woken up not too long ago, to find Emma's head laying on his shoulder with some of her hair laying on her face. 

"No do you?" She asked, Johnny glanced away from Emma for a moment, before nodding slowly.

"You got drunk." Johnny looked at Emma as his eyes swirled with worry. Emma sighed and held her head in her hands before running her hands through her hair.

"That explains the headache." Johnny drew closer to Emma before he rubbed her back. "Did I say or do anything weird?" Johnny grinned.

"You said I was cute." Johnny answered, feeling confused when Emma rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"That's not weird Johnny." Emma chuckled as she placed two fingers to her temples.

"What?" He asked as Emma shook her head before looking up at Johnny. Her light blue, almost grey, eyes were one of the most enticing things about Emma. He gulped, he tried to act as tough and composed as he could when he was around Emma but she always seemed to bring out the shyness in him.

"You are cute." Johnny stared at Emma, why was she doing this to him? "What?" She asked, Johnny simply shook his head.

"I don't know." He muttered, putting his hands on his knees. The gang used to make jokes about the two dating, which when Emma was dating Dallas really pissed him off, but Emma didn't ever actually think about her and Johnny dating. Johnny recently confessed the feelings that had developed within him about Emma, feelings Emma didn't think shet could return because of Dallas.

Yes, it was true that she really did like Johnny but she wasn't completely over Dallas either. Which is why Emma got drunk that night, to forget about him. Not to mention that Dallas and Johnny were best friends, if Emma dated Johnny who knows what would happen between them.

"Do you not think your cute?" Emma asked him, Johnny shrugged and looked away from her. "Well trust me, you are." Emma giggled. Johnny felt his cheeks grow hot and he was sure that he was blushing madly.

"Could you not do that?" He retorted quickly, frustration had been building within him for a while now. He hated how Emma was so upset over Dally, who hadn't thought about her in a while. She was a great girl, and if Dally wanted to settle down then he would've stayed with Emma. But Dallas didn't wanna settle down. He was wild, and didn't liked being held down by girls. Emma furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at him.

"Do what?"

"Flirt with me and then reject me." Emma's eyes softened slightly, she felt as if someone had ripped her heart from her chest and danced on it.

"Johnny listen to me okay?" She started, Johnny looked her in the eyes as she spoke. "I like you in a dating type of way but I don't think it would be fair for you and I to date, when I'm not over Dallas." His posture straightened as he took Emma's hand's in his own.

"Then, we could just-" He started, but Emma spoke again.

"And I don't want you guys to stop being friends." Johnny stared at Emma for a second, trying to think of a solution quickly. Johnny was a quick thinker, even if his solutions weren't always good ones.

"Then we just don't tell Dally." Johnny rubbed his calloused thumb up and down the top of Emma's hand before he spoke again. "Can just try it out, please?" Emma bit her bottom lip, glancing away for a moment.

"Okay, I'll be your girlfriend, Johnny Cade."
Word Count:991

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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