Chapter 7

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After attending his last class, Liam headed to his car, giving a little salute to Charlie when he passed him. Liam grinned to himself when he spotted his Mercedes. It was something he was pretty fucking proud of. Yes, it was flashy as fuck. But he loved it so much.

He hadn't paid for it specifically but he had put up with dad's bullshit by working at the office for 4 hours every day, along with acing his classes and managing to attend football practise...most of the time. It had been a pretty hectic year—juggling all of that—but it made him good money. Money that he would need if his father found out he was queer and decided to disown him. He wouldn't put it past the old man. For all the talk about him being proud of Liam, nothing mattered more than his company. Not even his son.

Sometimes Liam was glad he wasn't close to his father. Liking and being close to a man like Richard McLane was equivalent to being the shittiest person to exist. Well, second shittiest.

Liam caressed the leather steering wheel of his car, humming to himself. It took him a second to realize it was the same tune Harley had been humming yesterday. He had to admit, Harley did have a pretty good music taste.

He scrolled through his contacts list, his thumb hovering over Harley's number in an almost subconscious gesture. Eh why not. He facetimed Harley.

Harley picked up much sooner than he would've expected, looking relieved as he grinned at Liam.

"I was about to call you"

"Yeah?", Liam asked with a light smile, tilting his head to the side and squinting his eyes when he spotted the curly head of white hair next to Harley's face, "Who's that"

Harley let out a laugh before turning his phone to the side, giving Liam a view of an old woman. She was probably in her seventies, her kind face wrinkled as she shook her head at Liam fondly.

"This is Carlia", Harley said from beside her, "Yes Carlia, she's here to get false teeth. She and I are best friends now"

"Only you could make friends with an old woman at the dentist's", Liam said affectionately. He then switched his gaze to Carlia. "Hi ma'am, I'm Liam"

Carlia narrowed her eyes at Liam, almost like she was trying to figure out if he was serious or not, "Your boyfriend here is a wonderful man", she turned to Harley with a pointed look, "Helped me fight off the cranky receptionist when she denied my receipt"

Liam smothered a laugh at how Harley-like it sounded.

"He really is", Liam agreed, nodding.

"Finding a love like this, the purest kind, doesn't happen every day", She had this far off look in her eyes, "Treat him well"

"I will"

She nodded before patting Harley on the head and moving away from the camera.

"Boyfriend huh?", Liam teased as Harley flushed, dragging his fingers through his hair.

"I blame her"

"I don't mind", Liam said honestly, "It feels kinda good"




They stared at each other, smiling before Harley slumped against the wall he was leaning on, "I'm so bored, Dr Green was supposed to be here like 20 minutes ago"

"You wanna play a game?", Liam asked.

"What kind?"

Liam contemplated it for a second. He tried not to smirk like an idiot as the conversation they had before Harley had left, came to his mind.

"You know the pickup lines we were talking about before you left"

Harley's eyebrows raised, "Yeah?"

"Hit me with your best ones", Liam bit his lip, leaning back against the car seat, "I could use an ego boost"

He watched as Harley rolled his eyes, "Narcissist. But hey I'm down"

"You go first"

Harley seemed to think about it for a second before his mouth turned up teasingly, "Are you a parking ticket?", He winked, "'Cause you've got 'fine' written all over you"

Liam snorted, sounding almost inhumane at how bad it was. But that's what made pickup lines, pickup lines.

"Are you an artist? 'Cause you're so good at drawing me in", It was one Liam had heard a drunk Charlie use before. It had been hilarious, watching Charlie stumble towards a tall pillar, bowing before dropping that one liner and managing to look completely serious while doing it.

Harley let out a giggle. Liam's heart jumped at the sound. It sounded so light and free coming out of him. Liam wanted to hear more of them. He wanted to be the reason Harley laughed. Surprisingly, the thought didn't scare him as much as he had thought it would. It was because of the fact that he knew Harley wanted him too, he supposed.

"That was so bad"

"Oh, come on, Mr 'You've got fine written all over you'"

"Pfft, that one was hilarious"

They tossed one liners at each other, the game actually managing to keep them occupied and it came to a point where both of them had to google pickup lines. He laughed to himself when he saw a dirty one. Considering Harley was waiting at a dentist's office, it probably wasn't the best place to tell him dirty jokes but it was too tempting to not tease him.

"Hey Harls"

"Hit me with it"

"I'm on top of things", Liam drawled, making sure to drag his eyes down Harley's body, then coming up to meet his eyes, "Would you like to be one of them"

Harley coughed, too loud for it to be a legit one as his head whipped around as if checking to see if someone had heard him. His hair moved with him, plopping up and down. It was kind of funny, knowing Harley had plugged in his air pods right after Carlia had left.

"Liam", Harley hissed, "Dentist. Remember?"

Liam pouted at him, "It makes it more fun"

Harley's eyes narrowed at him as they just stared at one other before Harley shook his head, "Okay that one was kinda good"


"Li", Harley suddenly said, seriously, "I love my bed", his lips slowly tilted into a seductive smile, "But I'd much rather be in yours"

It wasn't even the most seductive line, but it made Liam gulp. Harley looked sexy as sin, eyes hooded and cheeks flushed. It reminded Liam of Harley's face when he orgasmed.


Harley seemed to notice the sudden change in the atmosphere too, as he stared at Liam wide eyed, "Oh"

"I want you so much", Liam suddenly whispered, the confession breaking out of him. It was the most inappropriate place to confess to wanting to have sex with someone, but right then, it felt like the right thing to say. His thoughts were confirmed when Harley's lips parted, he looked shocked and then mildly flustered. He quickly covered it up though.

"I want you too, Li", He admitted, "So much more than I thought I could"

"Come over?", Liam asked hopefully, "We could watch shitty reality TV while we cuddle"

"You sappy motherfucker", Harley looked amused for a second, but it changed, his face taking on a more serious expression, "I'd like that a lot"

Liam grinned. 

I will admit, this is kinda a filler chapter but I'm slowly getting back into writing. I wanted to thank you guys for patiently waiting and I really am sorry for the unannounced hiatus. Love ya'll. 

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