Chapter 4

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Liam stood there frozen, shock setting in

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Liam stood there frozen, shock setting in.

Harley didn't seem to notice him, engrossed in whatever he was writing. Hey, Liam hadn't meant to steal a glance at his screen but Harley was sitting in a public-school library and that wasn't exactly the most private of places. Well, what's done was done. Curiosity set in as he read the rest of the sentence.


Harley Hayes was writing porn.

Harley Hayes was writing porn in a public library.

Liam's throat dried up and he tried hard to swallow through the sudden burst of desire that swept through his body, blood rushing down to his groin.


Harley flipped around, eyes widening almost comically as he scrambled to shut the computer. Liam raised a finger, mouth opening soundlessly to warn him that his hand was still between the screen and keyboard but he was too late to prevent Harley from slamming the screen on his hand with a wild thump.


Harley then let out an array of curses, cradling his hurt hand against his heart. Liam held his arms in front of him, the way one would approach a dangerous animal or in this case, a very frantic Harley Hayes.

"Hey, hey", he slowly cupped Harley's hands in his making him look up at Liam with a desperate look in his eyes. "Sorry! I didn't- I'm sorry",

Liam rubbed his palms over Harley's colder ones, hoping to soothe the inner turmoil evident in the way his fingers trembled, "It's okay, you're okay, Harls"

He watched as Harley took slow, deep breaths, gradually relaxing against him. Liam shuffled back a bit, praying to all things holy that Harley doesn't notice his boner against him.

"Are you ok-"

Harley cut him off, pushing away from him, "Do you think I'm a pervert?"

Liam startled, pulling his hand back to look at him, confused, "What the hell, why would I think that?"

He huffed, "You saw what I was writing Liam, it's not normal"



He was talking about the kink. 

Liam couldn't help the small chuckle that left him as he moved to lean against one of the chairs, "I can assure you; I've seen weirder kinks than that and if that's what floats your boat", he shrugged, "Who am I to judge?"

Harley looked surprised to say the least, mouth opening and closing like a gold fish. It was kind of amusing. And adorable. "Wait- You're not gonna give me shit for this?"

Liam grinned, "Nope"

Harley abruptly sat down on his chair, looking as if it finally hit him that someone could actually accept his kinks without freaking out or being weird about it. Liam felt something like possessiveness deep in his bones as he realized what might've been the reason Harley was reacting this way.

Harley's ex was an asshole. Liam didn't just think that because he was jealous, the way he had treated Harley was common knowledge. Gaslighting and belittling him, every chance he could. It had taken almost everything in him to not strangle the douchebag when he had called Harley a freak, in front of almost everyone in their class. Not that it was any better verbally abusing him when they were alone. Judging by Harley's reaction, there was a high chance that he had confided in his ex about his kinks.

He heard Harley sigh, "It's not exactly my kink"

Liam raised an eyebrow, "It's not?"

Harley shrugged, his gaze meeting Liam's, a small flush rising up his cheek. Precious. "I like to write different characters with different kinks and insecurities", he gave him a smile, "Anything to make people understand that they're not alone"

A warm feeling settled in Liam's chest as he thought of Harley sitting on his computer, typing away stories just to make somebody happy or make them feel like they belong. It was one of the things he loved about the man, how selfless and giving he was.

"When you put it that way, wow-"

Harley laughed, the sound light and brightening up his eyes, "I know, I know"

Liam liked reading books, sometimes. Okay...rarely but if it meant indulging in something that made Harley happy, he was abso-fucking-lutely doing it.

"Can I-", he hesitated, "Can I read it"

Liam waited for something like rejection or Harley to put his computer away but instead he was greeted with a grin.
"Of course, you can", Harley winked at him, "Just try not to pop a boner here", he then looked down at Liam's crotch with a sly smirk, "Well looks like we're already past that mark"

"Oh, fuck off", Liam grumbled, embarrassed at being caught with a semi caused by a book. A frigging book. He didn't even know words could make him horny.

"Here", Harley said, sliding his mac towards Liam, the sound of rubber dragging against the smooth surface of the table making him cringe. Liam had realized early on in his life that his hearing was slightly more perceptive than most people. It was both a blessing and a curse. It sucked especially when it was night and he was all alone in his room and he could hear almost everything happening in the room even when there was nothing happening in the room. It sounded stupid but it was really hard to explain.

"This is the sequel to a book I've already finished", Harley googled something called a Wattpad, which Liam assumed was where he wrote his books. It was a pretty cool name. He didn't like the logo though; it was too bright and orange.

"You write your stories here?", Liam asked, genuine curiosity piping up when a few book covers popped up on the screen. Most were too heterosexual for his taste but they were incredibly hot.

"Well, I write them on word because it has a couple of grammar features Wattpad doesn't have", Harley shrugged, "But yeah, I do publish them on Wattpad"

Liam looked sideways at him, "Do you write any straight-"

"What no!", Harley looked almost appalled at the thought making Liam chuckle, "I only write queer books because, you know", Harley looked down at himself with a grin, "I'm fruity. Fruity as fuck"

Liam bit his lip, the words slipping out before he could stop himself, "Fruits are delicious"

It was cheesy as hell but it was worth it to see the slight tint to Harley cheeks as he turned back to the computer.

Maybe pick up lines weren't that bad.

here we go, chapter 4 down. who's proud of me🖐️😩. alright see ya next week.

 alright see ya next week

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