Chapter 8

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Harley Hayes

Harley was nervous. He rarely got nervous when he went on dates or slept with people, but this time it felt like there like there was a lot more at stake. Whatever was going on between Liam and him, he didn't want to mess it up. Not when it could jeopardise their whole friendship.

When Liam had called him when he was at the dentist's office, Harley had thought his heart would burst. It meant so much to him knowing Liam was thinking about him the same time Harley had been thinking about him. He glanced at his watching, restless as he waited for Liam to pick him up.

Ever since he left the dentist's, Harley had been craving Starbucks. Having a sharp tool drilling away near his teeth could do that to a person. He just wanted something cold to soothe the pain.

He got into Liam's car as it rolled into the driveway. He was driving his Mercedes. It was a really flashy car, almost blindingly shiny but Harley knew how much Liam loved the thing and how hard he had worked to get it. It was Harley he had called every time he got out of work, ranting to him about how much he hated his dad.

Harley thankfully had a really strong relationship with his dads, they were compassionate and understanding and Harley was so grateful for that. But that wasn't the case with Liam. Harley had never liked Liam's parents and as much as Liam had tried to defend his mother, Harley knew she was just as bad as her husband.

It sometimes sucked that couples adopted kids but never gave them the love and attention they deserved.

"Penny for your thoughts?", Liam asked him, his fingers grazing Harley's thigh.
"It's nothing", Harley lied, "Hurts to speak", that wasn't a lie. It did fucking hurt to move his mouth.

Liam patted his thigh sympathetically, "Starbucks helps"

Harley nodded in agreement as he stared out of the window, letting his hair be whipped around by the wind. It was strangely comforting.

He ordered the basic iced coffee because as long as it was coffee, it was all he needed. It was one of the things Harley did share with his twin brother, other than the identical looks obviously.

When Liam led them to his house, the least thing Harley would've expected was Liam's parents to be home. Even he knew how rarely they were home and it wasn't surprising that Liam was just as shocked as him.

"You're home", It wasn't a question.

Mrs. McLane looked almost bored as she sat beside her husband, a cup of tea in her hand, "We do live here"

Liam let out a dry laugh, "To live here, you actually have to live here, you know?"

He did have a point.

"Don't disrespect your mother like that, Liam"

Harley's gaze met Mr. McLane's— who was surprisingly staring at him instead of Liam. Almost like he knew Harley was more than just friends with Liam. It was unnerving, but Harley didn't look away, he wasn't going to cower against a rich old man who thought he was better than everyone else just because he had more money. Harley despised those kinds of people. The man could stare until his eyes rolled out and Harley wouldn't back down.

Liam was glaring at his dad, eyebrows pinched.

"Well, I didn't lie, did I?"

"I never taught you talk back boy", Mr. McLane snarled at Liam, his voice taking on a dangerous note, "Or Have you forgotten everything I taught you"

"What is he doing here?", Liam's mother asked, interrupting him with a pointed glare at Harley's direction. Oof okay salty mfer.

"I got lost on my way to school", Harley supplied cheekily, he couldn't help himself, "Silly old me huh?"

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