Chapter 8- TEXT MATE

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STRANGER: same I downloaded this app today

 STRANGER: it's not like I'm bored more like a sad boy 

*oh so he is a boy?*

YOU: Sad girl over here too...

STRANGER: guess we have in common already

YOU: So what makes you sad? 

*did I get too far in asking that question?* 

You bite your fingertips, while you snuggle at your blanket and wait for him to reply 

STRANGER:  I badly miss someone that I'll never see again:<<  

YOU: Oh, I feel you :(( 

you change his nickname to as sad boy

SAD BOY: Btw let's talk about other stuff 

  SAD BOY: describe your self I wanna know more 

YOU: are we even allowed to know? 

SAD BOY: Just describe yourself, I didn't ask your name unless you want to

YOU: well, I'm a simple girl that has simple things, my hobby is listening to music. 

SAD BOY: Noice well I called myself special not simple 🤓😇

YOU: oh really? what makes you special then? ^_~

SAD BOY: not to brad but I'm heck rich and a lot of girls are falling for me maybe they think I'm handsome?

*oh? so he is this type* 

You rolled your eyes through your screen then start texting.

YOU: oh really? should i...  clap my hands for you SAD BOY ?🤨

SAD BOY:  Don't call me sad boy, it's better to call me bad boy instead

you raised an eyebrow and felt disgusted, he was just a stranger and now he's flirting. 

YOU: I didn't know your a flirty SAD BOY👊🖕

SAD BOY:  yah, I'm flirty so what?

SAD BOY: it matches with mah sexy face 😼

YOU: fuck off dude 🖕🖕 

SAD BOY:  you fuck off 

YOU: let me delete this app

-left the chat

SAD BOY:  anyways nice meeting yah ill text you again btw I'm teasing you know? 

*Geez the fuck is wrong with this guy* 

" Y/N?" 

"Uhm yes dad?" you sat up straight. 

"it's almost summer break, but you didn't get to go to school for a month so how about a special tutor to review your lessons?" 

" But dad I'm too lazy.." 

" sweetie you have to and it's just for a month okay?" Pop, your other dad convinces you.


"goodnight, you should sleep it's getting late " he closes the door.

You took a warm shower for you to have a good sleep, you dried your hair, put on your pajamas then settled to watch Netflix even tho its past midnight.

You played the k- drama you watched recently but got interrupted by SAD BOY which appeared on your screen. 

*this shit, I hate people interrupting me from watching k-drama* 

SAD BOY:  What's up? are u done eating dinner? 

*puff, how caring is this shit* 

YOU: yap, fuck you care🤨

SAD BOY: can you not start a fight, I'm sorry a while ago if I made you feel uncomfortable 😁

* awe maybe I really don't know the real him yet* 

YOU: It's fine sorry to be rude tho ✌️ besides how come I haven't eaten dinner when it's already past midnight? 

SAD BOY: I just asked since I barely ate dinner.

SAD BOY:   are you perhaps my age? 

YOU: I'm a senior high school student, you?

SAD BOY:  same! but I don't give a fuck about school tho 😇 

YOU: lol, guess what ill be having a special tutor tomorrow 😭😭 

SAD BOY:  aww don't be sad that's fine, just fuck it up

SAD BOY: scare your tutor away and no more 😎🤓

YOU: great idea, ill definitely do that 😉


*his asking to be friends? well, why not I enjoyed texting with him *

YOU:  sure!🤝okie bye I'm gonna watch Netflix  

SAD BOY:  Same, I'm watching fifty-five shades of gry right now. 

*speaking of enjoying texting with him, his just disgusting* 

YOU:  eww your disgusting your not even an adult yet. 

SAD BOY: who cares, why wanna watch it? 😏

YOU: hell no-

SAD BOY:  your so innocent 🙄 and I'm gonna make sure that innocence of yours won't last long 😏

YOU: try me  😑

YOU: I can already say your a pervert, flirty, and a playboy type of guy? 

SAD BOY:  your right I'm a playboy so don't fall for me

SAD BOY: I can say your innocent and smart you must be the cute type of girl🤔🤔 

 SAD BOY: I like those kinds😏 

* gonna be honest this dude is good at flirting* 

YOU: tbh you're all wrong 🙃 I'm not that innocent. 

YOU: I also know how to play boi so watch it I'm not scared to fight you one in one. 

SAD BOY:  I feel flattered

 YOU: why would you feel flattered? I'm the type to rip you apart. 

SAD BOY: naughty girl, I like you already 

YOU: dude I didn't mean that- just forget it, I'm not naughty! I have never done those kinds 

SAD BOY: your just my type 😫

YOU: first of all let me remind you!  your just my 



SAD BOY: I like my friend. 

YOU: and I hate you

SAD BOY: I like that attitude of yours

You're so done with him it even makes you throw your phone away to the floor. 

* ~ * ~ *


Guess who is he? 😏

the details are all obvious. 

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