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Forest of konaha

Naruto was sitting near Shizu enjoying his meal and looked at shizu and said - Big brother when do you think I will master all of my Abilities
Shizu sighed and looked at naruto and aaid maybe in 7 years

Hmmm.... WHAT s-s-seven-n years asked naruto
Yes it will take that much time because you are small right now and your body needs to grow
And Naruto nodded

At night

Shizu was standing next to a crying Naruto why was he crying thats because Shizu has told him he have to leave because he have to travel and give report to clan he looked at Naruto his heart ache but he have to leave for the last time he looked at Naruto don't let your emotions show that easily and make me and our clan proud of you.
Naruto controlled his emotions and nodded and said -yes big brother I will
Shizu smiled and left in an portal

Naruto sobbed for a minute and then he got up and keni appeared and saif time to go Naruto

Naruto waited for a moment and then nodded and left he arrived back at village the next day he saw some glaring at him but the looks were of confusion not hate or fear he sighed and he got upto hokage tower he went to the hokage office and open the door and came in to see the hokage was doing his paperwork and asked who are you

Naruto was surprised that the hokage didn't recognise him but he mentally sighed because he remembered that his appearance has change (he now wears white battle Kimono and a sword on his back with a mask on his hair changed and was was now completely silver and and he has black pants on) he then looked at the hokage and said my name is Naruto otsutsuki and I want to ask if my academy form is done or not he asked
Minato eye's widen this was naruto no way he was he said - you are lying you are not Naruto

No I am naruto and please add my clane name Otsutsuki
Minato was brought out of his thought and ok I will believe you if you give me an Answer and asked when did I told you that you can join academy

Around 2 weeks from now I was crying and asked you to kill me and to end mis miserable life

Minato nodded and looked at Naruto again and asked what happened to your hair

I dyed it naruto lied and asked "now can I have my form"
Minato nodded and gave Naruto his form but when Naruto saw it have the clan name uzumaki he grabbed a pen and cut uzumaki and wrote otsutsuki
and said I am no uzumaki hokage sama ans I don't want people to call me what I am not

Minato nodded and gave Naruto a scroll and said give this to Iruka and he will let you in he said and Naruto nodded and your Clss no will be 301 naruto nodded again and left

At Academy

Naruto reached there at time due to his speed which was even faster than many jonins Naruto soon got inside of Academy and entered room 301 he

Iruka was in his class introdcing himself when suddenly the door open and Naruto came in and and looked at Iruka and asked is your name Iruka he asked and iruka just nodded then Naruto gave him the scroll which Hokage gave him and Iruka looked him with a hateful glare before saying you can go an d take a seat Naruto nodded and got upto last bench and take a seat near to the window and he started looking through the window not paying attention to Iruka

Iruka started - since thus is the first day of the academy we will see who is the good in which field so lets go to the training ground soon they all left and got in training ground

So firstly we will use kunai and shuruken throwing then in ninjustu and then taijutsu spars so lets start

Then he started calling students
Many clivillian children were not able to hit even single one and many just got lucky and hit once or twice then came clan hires
Ino yamanaka - 6 shuriken and 7 kunai
Coji acimichi - 6 shuriken and 6 kunai
Shikamaru Nara - 6 shuriken and 6 kunai
Yakumo kurama - 7 shuriken and 7 kunai
Sai - 8 kunai and 8 shuriken
Shino aburame -7 shuriken and 8 kunai
Hinata hyuga - 8 shuriken and 7 kunai
Kiba inuzuka - 7 shuriken and 9 kunai, kiba grinned and looked at Satsuki and Satsuki looked bored
Sasuke uchiha many girls chhered at his name and squealed he got there and throw them 8 kunai and 9 shuriken he smirked and looked towards Menma when he got there he said beat that dope . Menma smirked and looked towards sasuke before his name came

He got there and many girls squealed his name. He took them and throw them and he got
9kunai and 10 shuriken when he did that many of his fan girls chhered happyly he looked at sasuke and said ha not so good duck earning few Snickers
Sasuke just looked him and greeted his teeth

Next came Satsuki uchiha and fanboys cheered for her and she scored 9 kunai and 10 shuriken

Next came mito uzumaki - namikaze and a fanboys squealed again she got there and took them all and threw them she got 8 kunai and 9 shuriken

Next Naruto Otsutsuki
Mean while menma ,mito, sasuke and Satsuki were taking it seem I am at the top said menma said and sasuke galred at him and satsuki and mito nodded and then they saw Naruto going there

He got there and took all of kunai at once and throw them not even looking and then he took shuriken and did rhe same they all hit the mid center and got 10 kunai and 10 shuriken the highest from everyone

What sasuke and Menma nearly shouted how did he got no 1

Next will be ninjustu whoever can do can come said Iruka
And sasuke , menma , shikamaru ,mito, satsuki , Naruto came

Shikamaru performed shadow paralysis jutsu

Then mito came and used earth style - mud wall and a medium size mud wall appeared and many fan boys cheerd for her.

Then came stasuki and performed Fire style - fireball jutsu and fanboys cheered again

Then came sasuke and done same but his fire ball was larger than satsuki's

Then came menma and performed Shadow clones and two clones appeared and Iruka looked shock and told everyone that it was a jonin level techniques and to lear it it was difficult menma just smirked .

Next came Naruto and he said Fire style - phenix flower jutsu many small fire ball came and it destroyed many trees and all looked in awe and two uchiha looked at him dangerously

Ok now will be the taijutsu spars please quit if you don't want to get hurt said Iruka and many left but there were still plenty of them it was separate for kunoichi's and guys many fights were just easy seeing only clan hiers know how to fight and they were destroying civilian childrens
Kiba finished another clivillian and was telling everyone how he was an alpha male untill his fight came with naruto

Inuzuka kiba vs Naruto Otsutsuki begin kiba with his cocky attitude ran towards Naruto and throw a punch but naruto Dodged and then kick kiba on back kiba couldn't help but fall he got up and looked at naruto and run as fast and tried to punch another rime but naruto gabbed Kiba' s hand and twisted it and then kicked him on face knocking kiba out cold everyone once agai looked at Naruto but he didn't do anything and gog out off the arena Iruka comming out of his shock looked at the area and then announced naruto the winner
The next match was naruto vs sasuke uchiha and whoever wins will fight Menma
The fight Started and sasuke with his attitude he said- It will be best if you gave up and but he was cutt off when Naruto appeared in front of him and kicked him on his gut sasuke flew some metre away but didn't give up and tried to but was again kicked on head and knocked out cold with some blood on his nose since it was a rather hard kick for him every one was in shock untill it was broken but Iruka winner Naruto Otsutsuki and sasuke was taken by Mizuki and then it started it was
Naruto vs menma
They got into there battle stand and Menma thought he defeated sasuke with ease I have too do my best or I will lose too he looked at Naruto and narrowed his eyes and then ran towards Naruto and tried to punch Naruto but all of his attacks were Dodge by Naruto but then it happened menma accidentally hit Naruto on face uncovering his mask naruto looked down at his mask and looked over menma and his face showed no Emotion he quickly punched menma on face then kneed him on stomach and by the time he knew he was unconstios every one looked on Naruto 's back as it he was there opposite side but when he turned around every girl eyes turned into hearts even mito and satsuki couldn't help but blush seen his face . He was handsome after all. And so reports.came Naruto Otsutsuki was best on guys side and satsuki and mito had drawn in kunoichi's side

{ So yeah guys thats it and tomorrow is my history exam please pray for me because I haven't studied and for the harem girls
1) stasuki
2) mito
3) hinata
4) haku fem
5) temari
6) shinon
7) yogito
8) samui
9) mei
10) koyuki
11) Mikoto
And whom you want you can comment so yeah please pray for me or I won't be able to write for 3 days } good bye :)

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