Imagine 5

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Y/N POV: "Lights on the trees under fallen snow, you get a bit closer when the winter's cold

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Y/N POV: "Lights on the trees under fallen snow, you get a bit closer when the winter's cold. Now I can't wait 'til you're by my side, all of the best gifts, you just can't buy" I sing queitly to myself while standing infront of the stove, cooking christmas dinner.

Today is the 24th of December. Normally we celebrate with my and Neymar's family today but one of my family members couldn't come so we decided to pospone it to tomorrow the 25th.

So tonight, it was only me and Neymar. Whysoever, we always present eachother multiple gifts for christmas. I was very excited to give him his first today.

It was around 8.30 pm as Neymar came home from his walk with our dog. "Heyy Y/N I'm back" He said from the entrance.

"You can go change immediately...dinner is almost ready!" I playfully demanded. He shortly looked around the corner to look at me who was already changed. "Yes your majesty"

I looked at him with a slight smile and so did he.

Afterwards, he dissapeared upstairs and changed.

As Neymar came back down after 15 minutes, I served the food on the table as I saw his outfit. Since we live together in Brasil, it was very hot although it was December.

Neymar was wearing a red suit jacket with a white shirt underneath and red shorts while I was wearing *insert any outfit you want*.

He sat down on the table and looked up to me. "You look gorgeous babe" he complimented me.

"Thank you" I said smiling and bent down to him to give him a kiss.

Neymar POV: After we finished Y/N's nice and tasty homemade dinner, we moved to the couch where our christmas tree was standing.

It was kind of our tradition that Y/N always gets to open her present from me first so I handed her my present.

As she unwrapped it, she saw that it was an envelope. I saw on her face that she was curious as she opened it.

She pulled out a paper and read it out loud "A visit for two in one of the best five star romantic wellness hotels in the swiss mountains!"

„Oh my god Ney are you serious!" Y/N said with a huge smile plastered on her face.

"Merry christmas baby" I said and opened my arms for a hug.

She fell into my arms and thanked me multiple times. "I love you so much" She said while slowly releasing the hug

„I love you too" I replied and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

I leaned back as Y/N puts the envelope on the couch table and reached for her present for me underneath the tree.

I got handed over a rather small present which looked like a box. Obviously with christmas paper wrapped around it.

I slowly and carefully opened it.

As the paper was all unwrapped, I saw a small box made out of leather with the Gucci logo on it.

"Nahh you didn't" I said with a slight smile on my face and looked over to Y/N.

„Go it" Y/N replied smiling.

I slowly opened a box and I saw a beautiful big Gucci watch inside of it.

"Babe.." I said speechless as I looked closer at the watch. „I don't even know what to say.."

I looked up and continued "Thank you so much!" I finished and pulled her in for another hug.

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