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Neymar: Not famous

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Neymar: Not famous

You: Not famous

Relationship: Couple

Neymar POV:

"Look what I bought you!" Y/n came rushing inside the living room through the house door, returning from her shopping day.

"What is it?" I asked confused.

Y/n revealed a bandana from behind her back with an excited view.

"A bandana?"

„A bandana!" Y/n confirmed and sat down next to me on the couch. Y/N handed me the bandana and asked me "Will you try it on?"

„I've never worn a bandana before" I replied.

"So?" Y/n questioned but was still smiling.

„What if it doesn't suit me?"

„Ah shut it, everything suits you my love" Y/N answered. I smiled at her and started to put the bandana on.

As I was making a knot with the two loose ends, I heard Y/N say "I'm gonna record that. Your first time wearing a bandana!"

Y/n was super excited and I don't know why but I find it adorable so I don't mind.


I started recording as Neymar looked at my cam. He fixed the bandana a bit, looked into the camer and asked "Do I look good?" (GIF)

"Oh my god it looks amazing!" I replied as I just died by Neymar's look. "You should wear it more often" I added and turned off the camera.

I sat down next to Neymar again and he said "Thank you for buying it for me baby"

„I had to! I saw it in the shelf and saw you in my head wearing it" I replied and moved closer to Neymar.

He smiled, wrapped his arm around me and we both laid back on the couch. I rested my head on Neymar's chest and played with his necklace.

As it got dark, we decided we're gonna order some food for dinner. We ordered a large sharing size pizza and waited for about 25 minutes for it to arrive.

As the doorbell rang, Neymar said "I get it". He stood up from the couch and went to open the door. I could only hear his and the pizzaboy's conversation.



„That'll be 20 bucks sir"

„Here you go"

„Thank you. Nice bandana by the way"

„Thanks I bought him that!" I interrupted them by saying that from the corner.

The next thing I heard was Neymar and the pizzaboy chuckeling.

As Neymar came around the corner again with our pizza, he was still smiling about the thing I said.

„I had to" I tried to explain myself and smiled. Neymar just smiled and shook his head as he put the pizza down and sits donw next to me again.

"And see, he said your bandana is cool. Good that I bought it" I added.

"You're such a drok...but I love you for it" Neymar said, laid his arm around me and gave me a kiss.

𝐍𝐞𝐲𝐦𝐚𝐫 𝐉𝐑 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now