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Neymar: Not famous

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Neymar: Not famous

You: Not famous

Relationship: Couple

Neymar POV: It was a hot, sunny summer day. Me and my soccer team have a game and it couldn't be more perfect weather. The only thing that was bothering me was, that I was sitting on the bench for the beginning.

The game started but I couldn't focus. The only thing I could think about was thursday night.

There was a big party at one of my friends house. I was invited and so was Y/N.

I'm in love with her since 3 months now. I normally don't show it as much because I'm not the type of person who runs after someone.

Somehow, Y/n and I came into a conversation at the party and we spent the whole evening together. And to crown the evening, we also kissed. Passionately.

I got pulled out of my thoughts as I heard everyone cheering. We just scored a goal.

As I realised that, I also jumped up and cheered.

As me and my mates who were alo on the bench sat down again, my mate next to me said "So Neymar...tell me"

I looked at him confused. „Tell you what?"

"About you and Y/n. It's no secret that you two kissed?"

I honestly didn't mind, that it wasn't a secret so I had to smile and ask "Where do you know that from?"

I tilted my head a bit.

„Oh com on. Y/n is telling it around in the whole school"

„Yeah I even heard, she said it was the best and most passionate kiss in her life" My other mate added.

„She did?" I said and had to smirk/smile a bit and turned my head for short (GIF)

"Man you really got her" My mate continued.

As I arrived back home after a successful 1-0 win, I quickly went under the shower and put on a comfortable hoodie and some sweatpants in black.

I let myelf fall on my bed so that only my upper body was on the bed and my legs were still off ot. I pulled my phone out and texted Y/N.

Y/N POV: "Most passionate and best kiss ever?" I recieved. It was a text message from no one else that Neymar Junior. The guy I kissed on thursday night.

"How do you know?" I played oblivious.

N: "Well you've been telling it everyhwere and i know that you did that on purpose so I'd hear about it ;)"

Y: "Maybe.."

N: "Hahahahaha. Look..if you're free today we could still meet up. It's only 6.30pm."

Y:I'd love too. Meet me in the park at 7.15pm?"

N:" Sounds good"

Y: "And bring your kissable lips with you"

He didn't reply to that but I swear I saw how he was blushing through the phone.

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