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Neymar: Famous

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Neymar: Famous

You: Not famous

Relationship: Couple

Neymar POV: Damn that was a hard game. We just won against Real Madrid with a close 2-1. I scored our first goal and Lionel Messi scored the second in the 83th minute. 

I hugged my teammates to celebrate our victory and since it's 28 degree celsius, I took of  my sweaty jersey and carried it in my hand. 

As I was just about ot leave the field, a reporter from the local TV asked me if I would answer him some questions.

Although I was pretty exhausted, I agreed. 

 "A close game that got decided in the last ten minutes. Any more words to the game?" He asked me and held the microphon infront of my mouth. 

"I think both teams would've deserved the win but in the end, we just had a bit more spirit but it was for sure a good game of Madrid. No doubt" I answerd and whipped the sweat off my forehead.

 "Now you Neymar played an amazing game. Tell us your secret. Do you play for yourself or are you trying to impress someone?"

 "Of course I play for myself but I also play for my wonderful girlfriend Y/n who's supporting me and inspiring me since those years. I'm trying to make her proud and show her that she inspires me on and off the pitch"(GIF)  

That was his last question so he said "I love that. That's it. Thank you Neymar" 

"Thank you and have a good one" I said, turned aorund and dissapeared in the dressing room.

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