The Acceptable Version of the Truth

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Bora could read the worry all over Ada's face. She was looking at him like she was lost. They both knew paparazzis love to paint co-stars as potential lovers and she was obviously worried about it. He hated all of them for making her feel this way. This was supposed to be a calm evening between partners and their existence was ruining everything.

"What are we gonna do?" Ada asked again. Her anxiety started to affect him a little but he didn't give into it.

"Don't worry. Let's think about the options." He said as calmly as possible.

"I would like to say we have a back door that you can use." The guy said and Bora saw Ada's face light up with hope.

"Yes, we can do that!" she said without thinking about it.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea." Bora responded. His reaction changed Ada's expression. She went back to being worried quickly.

"Why?" she managed to ask.

"If they already know we are here, it will give the wrong impression. Nobody uses the backdoor if they have nothing to hide." he explained.

"You're right." Ada said after thinking about what he said. "So what's your suggestion?"

"We will use the front door, speak to them very normally and show them there is nothing to hide." Bora's plan was simple but very risky.

"Don't you think they will ask inconvenient questions?" That's one of the reasons Ada was worried about this plan.

"Of course they will but what they ask doesn't matter as long as we know how to answer them perfectly." Bora was very confident about his ability to answer questions without actually saying anything.

"I'm not sure I know how to do that." Ada honestly wasn't really good with paparazzi. She was trying to play it cool but it wasn't always working in her favor.

"Then let me have the lead. Just follow what I am doing and we will be fine." He assured her. There was something in his tone... It was calming Ada down. Even though they just met, Ada realised she was ready to trust him on this.

"If you are sure you can handle them..." Ada let him finish her sentence.

"I'm sure." Bora said, confidently.

"Then we should call a taxi." Ada suggested. She was sure if they would leave separately this plan could work. Bora understood her without Ada actually saying what she was thinking.

"I don't think that's necessary." His response surprised Ada.

"Don't you think us leaving the restaurant together would be suspicious?" Now she was saying what was on her mind, directly.

"We are partners, working on the same show. There's nothing more natural than hanging out together. After that, what kind of friend doesn't drop off their partner at home when he has a car?" Bora's mindset was definitely different from most people.

"I'm not sure they will see it that way. If I leave with a taxi, this will be a friendly meeting. If we leave together, they will start talking about the possibility of romance. It will overshadow the first episode of the show." Bora finally understood why she was worried about possible rumours. She was worried about the show and the success of it. It was very understandable. Especially after spending the evening together. She wanted this show to succeed very much. She wasn't hiding it.

"A lot of actors tried what you are suggesting. It doesn't always work. Leaving separately doesn't mean there is nothing between two people. Trust me on this. I will handle it so well, they won't suspect it or at least they won't have any proof." Bora stopped and looked at Ada's face. She was really close to being convinced. "Also you mentioned before, taxis are horrible in İstanbul. Do you really wanna deal with a stingy taxi driver? Imagine how long it will take you to go home."

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