Lost Pieces of the Puzzle

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"Did you hear that?" Ada asked him with visible fear in her eyes.

"Yes. Two people, walking and talking." Bora whispered. His voice... His warm breath confused Ada for a second. It was so easy to get lost in everything he was but she pulled herself together after taking a deep breath.

"Do you think they saw us?" He understood her fear because it wasn't the right time. Not at all.

"I don't think so." he said while looking carefully if anybody was coming closer. The voices were slowly going further away. "This bush covers us very well. When I was looking for you, I couldn't see anything. I had to come closer to see if you were here or not."

"I think they went away." Ada said with relief. Then their eyes met again. Both of them felt a little bit awkward after the kiss they just shared. They didn't know where to go from here or what to do... Ada finally realized her hands were still on his shirt, holding tight. "I'm sorry." she said and quickly took her hands back.

"Nothing to be sorry about." Bora gave her his most charming smile. Her shyness after their wild kiss was hitting him differently. Now he knew what was laying under her shyness and it made him feel somehow lucky.

"Should we go back in?" Ada asked while keeping her eyes off of him. She felt like if she looked again, they would be back to kissing each other in a second. Her own feelings towards Bora were scaring her.

"Sure. Let's go." Bora responded. He stood up and gave his hand to her. She looked at it with a small smile on her face. Then held onto it to stand up. "Let's leave the bottle here. Someone might notice it."

"Yeah, you're right." she said and left the bottle somewhere others can find later. Bora helped her to keep her balance and they slowly walked back to the party. When they got close, he let her arm go, so nobody would suspect anything. They entered together and some people observed them. The show was on the ad break and they weren't looking at the screen anymore. He didn't pay attention to them because they had no idea what had just happened. They were safe. Both of them went back to the table and sat on their chairs. Bora saw a waiter walking around, so he quickly raised his hand to get his attention.

"Two Turkish coffees please," he said. Then his eyes turned to Ada. "How do you drink yours?"

"With sugar," she simply answered without asking why he was ordering on her behalf. She already knew.

"OK," he said and turned his attention to the waiter. "One with sugar, one without it."

"Sure." The waiter answered and left very quickly to get their drinks.

"Is everything OK?" the actor who played Mert's father asked. He had a suspicious look on his face.

"Yes, yes. We went out for some fresh air and realized we were craving for some coffee. Isn't that right, Ada?"

"Yes," Ada answered. She didn't know what to do anymore, so she just followed his lead. The guy just smiled at their response and didn't continue the discussion further

Bora took out his phone from his pocket and opened his Instagram. He went directly to his DM's and opened the old conversation with Ada.

"Drink water," he wrote. Then he put his phone on the table, screen facing down, so no one would see what he suggested and if she answered.

Two seconds later Ada felt a vibration and took out her phone. When she realized the message was from Bora, she smiled a little.

"Sure, but why are you texting me?"

"Because if I say this out loud, they will suspect you might be drunk."

"Makes sense. Thanks."

She put down her phone and poured herself a glass of water. Then, in a breath, she drank all of it. Her obedience made him smile.

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