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ok I'm gonna tell something. Some of you guys ( i wont tell their name ) are messaging me and asking " eonnie how does a cum taste "

Bitch how the fuck will I know how the bloody hell does a cum taste. Im not a cum tasting machine. If you really want to know how the fuck does a cum taste why dont you taste it and get your fucking answer. You guys are continuously messaging me and asking this question again and again. Yeah i even replied to you guys that i dont know. But you guys are telling " you have wrote smut so you must know how does a cum taste "
Yeah its true i wrote smut. But that doesn't mean that i know how does a cum taste. Even if anyone write smut that doesn't mean he/she know how does cum taste like. Not only cum or how does it feel to have sex. Keep that in your mind. Have some common sense. And stop bothering me by asking the same question for hundredth time, it really annoys me. If you wont stop asking me the same question, i wont hesitate to report you idiots.

Thank you !!!

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