Gon Freecss x Phasmaphobic!reader

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Requested by: no one
Phasmaphobia = fear of ghosts

Y/n's POV:

I woke up in the middle of the night hearing a thud coming from the closet. I immediately thought of the worst and turned on my bedroom light.
‚Theres no way that there'd be a g-ghost in there...leorio and kurapika told me that they don't exist...yes! Im just hearing things! It's nothing!', i tried to convince myself but it didn't quiet work and i ended up sitting in my bed and staring at the closet for a few minutes. Then i heard footsteps approaching my room and i got even more scared so i pulled my blankets over my head and close my eyes shut.

Gon's POV:

I woke up randomly in the middle of the night and my throat felt very dry so i went out to get a glass of water from the kitchen. When i passed y/ns room i saw their light turned on so i approached their room and opened the door to check whats going on. When i opened the door i saw y/n curled up into a ball and hiding under their covers.

„Y/n? What are you doing?", i hesitantly ask trying not to scare them.

„WAH! O-oh god gon...it's just you...", they stuck out their head from underneath the blanket.

„Uhm yeah are you ok?", i ask.

„U-uh well...actually...no not really...", they answer hesitantly.

„What's wrong? Can't you sleep?", i slowly walk over and sit next to them on the bed.

„Uhm well actually you see...i woke up to a thud coming from my closet...and i-im scared...please dont laugh!!", they confess.

Y/n's POV:

I hid my face back into the covers and try not to start crying. Then when i already thought gon just left i suddenly felt two strong arm wrap around my shaking body and the next thing i knew, gon was hugging me tight and whispering into my ear.

„Hey it's fine butterfly im here now. I won't let anyone hurt you ok? Want me to check what's inside the closet?", he asked.
I nodded softly and he stood up and walked to the closet. He opened the doors and the only thing i saw was a book that i randomly threw in there fallen over. I suddenly felt really stupid for being such a scaredy cat and hid myself in the covers once again in embarrassment.

„Hey look it's just the book Kurapika once gave you! Nothing's wrong here!", he tells me and walked back.

„Y-yeah i guess i was just overreacting...", i answer.

„No need to feel embarrassed! You can't to anything about that phobia of yours! Now go back to sleep little butterfly! I could stay here until you're asleep if that help?", he offers.

„Y-yeah that'd be nice...",
Yeahhhh well that was my first oneshot including something phobia related...feel free to give me feedback!

Various!characters x phobic!reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now