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Xiao (genshin impact) x reader: slow dance at night

No phobia included this time!

Well i just wanted to celebrate that he got a rerun again and well i started playing genshin a while ago and i'm obsessed! Wish me luck on getting xiao in version 2.4 cuz i'm a really big simp for him 😩.
(Update from 6 months later: he had two reruns now but still didnt come home...i did get qiqi on his banner 🥹 BUT. I got both Venti and Kazuha so i'm happy eitherway 👏)
Aaaand well he might be a little bit OOC but i have this headcanon that he's a bigass softie when it comes to people he cares about! 🥰

I recommend you to listen to „latern rite mellow (xiao's theme)" on spotify or any other music app while reading! Cuz that song gave me this idea in the first place 😅.

Y/n's POV:

Xiao asked me to meet him in liyue harbour so i'm currently waiting outside watching the laterns flying into the dark night sky and lighting it up so beautifully.
It's currently the latern rite festival and the laterns were floating into the sky gracefully and making it seem more festive.

„Hey traveler.", i heard a male voice behind me.

„Oh hey xiao! Why did you ask me to come outside today?", i asked him as i turned around to face him.

„Well i wanted to ask you something.", he replied.

„Okay ask away!", i encourage him.

„You know today's the latern rite festival and i wanted to show you a place that i found and maybe...dance with you...?", he hesitantly spoke.
I was surprised to say the most.
Seeing the cold yaksha so unsure of himself was a very rare sight.
I stared at him blankly for a second before i smiled and replied with a yes.
We both walked a bit further away from the crowd to a place surrounded by many trees but still a good view of the festival.

„Ok we're here.", xiao announced.

„So uhm...wanna dance?", i asked him and looked away slightly embarrassed.

„Yeah ofcourse.", he nodded and got into stance.
I put my left hand onto his shoulder and my right one intertwined with his.

„Is this ok?", he asked and i nodded in response.

We slowly started swaying from side to side and looked eachother into the eyes.
His eyes were reflecting the lights from the laterns and glowing in a pretty amber color. My e/c hues were staring back at him and admiring his pretty features.
His dark raven hair with teal tips.
His bright amber eyes.
His soft lips that just look kissable.
I caught myself leaning in more and softly closed my eyes as i saw him lean in aswell.
Just moments later our lips touched and we shared a kiss full of love, admiration and passion.
When we parted he suddenly hugged me and nuzzled his face into my shoulder.

„I love you, traveler...", he whispered.

And so we spent our time outside watching the laterns fload up into the sky and listening to the festive sounds from underneath us.

Various!characters x phobic!reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now