Ai ohto x achluophobic!reader

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Achluphobia: fear of darkness
Requested by: XxMaki_HarukawaxX
Notes: this is a little crossover of wonder egg priority and toilet bound hanako-kun (it was just mentioned once).If you haven't watched any of those two animes then i really recommend you to!

Y/n's POV:
I was staying at my best friend, Ai Ohtos house for the night and having a little sleepover. We're now in the kitchen and trying to bake my favourite cookies.
„Hey ai can you please pass the sugar?", i asked.
„Mhm here you go!", he handed me the bag of sugar and i put a few spoon full in the mixer.


„Haaahhh! These cookies are so delicious!", i yelled.

„Yeah i agree these are really fantastic!", ai agreed and stuffed her face with more cookies.

„Kids you two should prepare for bed now it's already late!", ai's mom told us.

„Hai!", we both said and went to the bathroom to brush our teeth. After that we went to ai's bedroom and sat on her bed to have a little chit chat.

„Hey have you heard of hanako-san the bathroom ghost? I heard that she grants you a wish once you summon her!, i told ai.

„Really? Oh wait i think Nene-chan went to check that out tho! But i'm not very sure.", she answers.

„Wait really?! And did she get her wish granted?!", I asked enthusiastically.
„Hmmm i'm not sure the rumor ended there.", she told me.

„Oh well guess it's just rumors! Nobody really knows if any of these are true.", i shrugged and went to the futon on the ground lying under her two-stocked bed.

„Well good night y/n!", she said and turned off the light.

„Yeah good night ai...", i hesitantly say. After a while i could hear her soft and even breaths from above but i just couldn't close my eyes. It was too dark. I felt anxious but i didnt want to wake ai up. So i just hugged the blanket tighter around my shaking frame and tried closing my eyes.

‚i cant...i cant seem to calm down my racing heart! It's too dark here...what if there's something hiding in the dark?! I'm scared...but i dont want to wake ai up! What should i do...does she have any lights in her room? No i should just...close my eyes and try to sleep! Yeah! Yeah...',i thought nervously and sweating cold sweat.
I slowly started to panic and felt the urge to cry. Suddenly the lights turned back on and i opened my eyes in surprise just to come face to face with a worried ai.

„Hey n/n...are you ok? Is something wrong?", she asked with furrowed eyebrows.

„o-oh uh nope i'm f-fine!", i stuttered.

„You dont have to act all tough infront of me! Now tell me what's wrong you're crying!", she stated.
My eyes widened slightly and i touched my cheek just to feel something warm and wet on my finger. It was a teardrop.

„I'm sorry for waking you up's just...i'm really scared of the dark...", i confessed and looked away.

„Why didnt you tell me sooner?! I could've given you a little nightlight that i have in my closet!", she went to her closet to grab a little moon shaped light.

„Thank you so much ai...and again i'm sorry for bothering you...", i took the light and looked away.

„Hey look at me! It's fine now! Do you want me to stay here with you?", she asked.
I just nodded and she crawled under the covers next to me and hugged me tight. I turned off the big light and turned on the moon shaped nightlight.

„Sleep well n/n..." she said and gave me a little kiss on the forehead. I blushed slightly but just closed my eyes.

„Good night ai thank you so much...", i said and finally dozed off.

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