Chapter 1 ~ I Believe

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"...and they lived happily ever after." (Y/N) said, shutting the book.
"Read it to me once again, please!" begged her 6-year-old sister, Lydia.
"Nope. It's time for you to sleep."
"But, (Y/N)..." Lydia complained, pouting.
(Y/N) smirked.
"Well, if you don't go to sleep like a good girl, Peter Pan won't come and take you to Neverland with him..."
"Fine, I'll go to sleep..." said Lydia and smiled.

(Y/N) covered Lydia with her blanket and kissed her forehead tenderly. While she was walking towards the door, Lydia whispered: "Pssst, (Y/N)?"
"Yeah, sweetie?"
"Does Peter Pan really exist?"
(Y/N) chuckled softly: "I think he does..."
"Well, I am sure he does! And I left my window open so he'll be able to come in!" Lydia said, smiling.
"That's the spirit! Goodnight, Lydia." said (Y/N) and left, closing the door behind her.

On her way to her bedroom, (Y/N) replayed in her mind the conversation she and her sister had and smiled, remembering the time when she was a 6-year-old girl. She was Peter Pan's "biggest fan", she kept reading his story over and over again and every night she used to fall asleep next to her wide open window. She always left it open, so that Peter could come in. But all these things happened 8 years ago. Well, she still believed in him but she wasn't really sure if he existed or not.

When (Y/N) reached her bedroom, she immediately ran to her window and opened it. The light breeze hit her face as she looked outside the window. She sighed realising there was no one out there and closed her window. Then (Y/N) shut her eyes and whispered: "Peter, I've been one of your believers for a really long time...If you can hear me, please show me a sign that you exist...please."

Suddenly, she felt like someone was watching her...She opened her eyes and stared at the window. Something -or someone- had ran away when they realised that (Y/N) noticed their presence. (Y/N) opened her window and looked outside, but nobody was there. "Hmm...that's odd...I swear there was someone outside watching me...well, my parents were always saying that I have a vivid imagination...I guess they are right!" thought (Y/N), smiling to herself. She laid on her bed and pulled up the blanket, covering herself. She was so tired that she fell asleep immediately.

A/N: Hey guys! So, this is the first chapter...should I continue this story or nah? Let me know!:)


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