Chapter 2 ~ I Don't Want To Grow Up

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* the next morning *

It was early in the morning. The sun was shining in the blue sky and the birds were singing, sitting on the trees' branches.

Mrs. (Y/L/N) entered her daughter's bedroom. She looked around and realised that (Y/N) was still sleeping. She smiled and walked towards her sleeping daughter. "(Y/N), sweetheart...It's time for you to get'll be late for school..." she said lovingly, stroking (Y/N)'s (H/C) hair and placed a tiny, sweet kiss on her forehead.

(Y/N) slowly opened her eyes, yawned and sat up on her bed. "Good morning mom." she said smiling and wrapped her arms around her mother's waist. "Come on sweetie...Get up or you'll be late for school! I have to make breakfast and wake Lydia up, so get dressed, brush your teeth and come downstairs, okay?" said Mrs. (Y/L/N) and left the room.

~*le time skip* After school~

(Y/N) came back from school.
"Mom, I'm home!" she shouted, throwing her bag on the floor and running into the living room. There, she found her mom and dad sitting on the couch. However, there was someone else in the room with them. Her aunt Clementine was sitting on a huge armchair next to the couch. A little smile appeared on her aunt's lips. "(Y/N)! How are you, honey?"
"I'm fine, aunt Clementine, thank you."
"Oh my, you have become taller and prettier since the last time I saw you...walk towards me, please...stand up straight."

(Y/N) walked towards her aunt, with a faint smile on her face.
"Now turn around, dear." said aunt Clementine again and (Y/N) did what she was told to.
"HOLD ON. Is this...what I think it is?" she said, pointing at (Y/N)'s lips. "Yes. I was right. This is a hidden kiss. Here, on the right-hand corner of her lips. Don't you see it too?" said aunt Clementine to Mr. and Mrs. (Y/L/N). They nodded.

(Y/N) touched her lips with her fingertip. "But...what is this kiss for?" she asked.

Aunt Clementine smiled slightly. "It is for the greatest adventure of all. They that find it...have slipped in and out of heaven..." she answered.
"Err...find what?" asked (Y/N) again, still confused.
Aunt Clementine hugged (Y/N)'s shoulders and smiled brighter than any other time. "The one the kiss belongs to."

(Y/N) blushed. Then her sister Lydia ran in the living room. "Hello mama, hello papa...oh hello auntie Clementine!" she shouted and hugged aunt Clementine.
"Alright girls" said Mrs. (Y/L/N) and (Y/N) noticed that her mother's face was pale "me, dad and auntie Clementine have to talk about something really serious...could you please go out for a moment?"
"Yes mom." responded (Y/N) and left the room with Lydia, closing the door behind them.

They decided to try listening to what they were talking about.
"(Y/N) is almost a woman now...she has to spend less time with Lydia." said aunt Clementine.
(Y/N) gasped when she heard that and Lydia looked like she was about to cry.
"She can start spending more time with me...I'll teach her everything she needs to know in order to become...a nice, young lady. And then she will find a nice, rich boy to marry." said Aunt Clementine again.
"Yes, but...she is just fourteen years old! She's too young to marry!" said Mr. (Y/L/N).
"I know, but it's time for her to GROW. UP." answered aunt Clementine.

"WELL, I DON'T WANT TO GROW UP!" (Y/N) shouted angrily and ran upstairs to her bedroom. There, she shut the door behind her, laid on her bed and started crying. A few moments later, she had fallen asleep.

All of a sudden, her window opened wide. (Y/N) had the same, weird feeling someone was watching her...she slowly opened her eyes and saw something really odd...

A/N: CLIFFHANGER! (Hehehe I'm eeeeevil...) Well, here's the second chapter...let me know if you liked it!

P.S.: The Hidden Kiss dialogue is from the Peter Pan movie...I guess you noticed...

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