Chapter 4 ~ Welcome To Neverland

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(Y/N) held Peter's hand tightly and they flew out of the window, into the dark, starry sky of London.
(Y/N)'s POV

Oh. My. Freaking. Gosh! I can't believe it! I'm freaking flying! With THE Peter Pan! Wow...I have been waiting for this moment since I was, like 6 years old! The soft but chilly breeze hit my face...If only I could stay here forever...

Peter's POV

I stare at (Y/N), she is absolutely stunning...her (E/C) eyes are shining like the stars above us, her (H/L) (H/C) hair is blowing in the wind...
Wake up Peter...stop daydreaming...but...I think I am No way. Me? In love? Nah. But...when I look at her, I feel really nervous...I can feel my heart beating faster than usual...I have never felt this way for a girl before...

(Y/N)'s POV

I was looking at the beautiful stars which were shining bright into the dark sky...I was so stunned by them that I didn't see a chimney in front of me. I was about to crash into it, when Peter put his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. I blushed and looked at him. I realised he had blushed too. "Th...thanks for saving me..." I said, stuttering.

He smiled at me. "No problem, just be more careful next time, okay?"

~time skip brought to you by Tinkerbell!^^~

A few minutes later, I saw an island in the distance. All the trees and flowers were covered by snow, but when we arrived there, the snow melted and was replaced by blooming trees and flowers. Peter placed his hand on my shoulder and smiled.
"(Y/N), welcome to Neverland."

A/N: YES! I FINALLY FOUND TIME TO UPDATE! Sorry if this chapter is short and ABSOLUTELY SUCKS...I am kinda tired due to finals :(( anyways, I hope you liked it!

Stay awesome!

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