Chapter 3 ~ Off To Neverland

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All of a sudden, her window opened wide. (Y/N) had the same, weird feeling someone was watching her...she slowly opened her eyes and saw something really odd...

...she saw...a boy. He had blonde hair and stunning blue eyes. He was staring at her, with his face full of curiosity. He was flying a few inches above her and...

Wait, what?! FLYING?! (Y/N) gasped and sat up on her bed and the boy, surprised, flew backwards to the ceiling.
" can fly!" said (Y/N), smiling at the boy. He just nodded.

"What's your name?" he asked.
"Oh, my name's (Y/N) (Y/L/N)...what's your name?"
The boy smiled. "I am Peter. Peter Pan." he said, flying near (Y/N).

Her eyes widened and she stared at him in awe. "Peter Pan? You mean...the Peter Pan? Who lives in Neverland and has a fairy called Tinkerbell?"
"Aha. Oh's Tinkerbell." he said. Then, a tiny fairy appeared from behind his shoulder and waved at (Y/N).

"Wow! I...I...I have been waiting for this moment since I was 6 years old!" said (Y/N), with a bright smile on her face. "But...why did you come here?"

"Well, I saw you crying..."
"Hold on...saw me crying? Does this mean that you've been watching me?" she said smirking.
Peter blushed. "Errr...kinda. I usually come to your house to listen to the stories you tell your sister. But now tell me, why were you crying?"

(Y/N)'s smile disappeared, remembering her aunt's words.
" aunt said that...that it's time for me grow up and..."
Peter's eyes widened. "What? Grow up? No way! I can't let this happen!"
"Well, I don't want to grow up either, but..."

"Wait! That's it! You can come to Neverland with me! There you will never have to grow up! Also, you could become the Lost Boys' mother and tell them lots of stories! It will be fun!" said Peter happily.
"But...but I can't fly! How are we going to get there?"
Peter smirked. "All you need is happy thoughts aaaand..."
"Pixie dust." exclaimed (Y/N), finishing Peter's sentence.

Peter smiled, took some of Tink's pixie dust in his hand and blew it in (Y/N)'s face. Then, he took her hands into his and looked into her beautiful (E/C) eyes, smiling at her. She blushed slightly and smiled back. Suddenly, Peter whispered: "Look down..."
She did as she was told and she realised that...she was flying!
"Oh my God...look at me Peter! I am flying! I can't believe it! Woohoo!" shouted (Y/N), and flew around in her bedroom.

Peter chuckled (I can't spell it, sorry) and grabbed her hand. "Let's go! Second star to the right..." he said, smiling at her.
"...and straight on until morning." (Y/N) answered and smiled back.

(Y/N) held Peter's hand tightly and they flew out of the window, into the dark, starry sky of London.

A/N: Hey guys! Here's Chapter 3! I hope you like the story so far...This chapter kinda sucks... :( Sorry for any I said in the beginning of the story, English is not my mother tongue, sooooo....yeah.

The Second Star To The Right (Jeremy Sumpter!Peter Pan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now