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Vicki POV

I wake up and I'm on the floor in the living room again. I can feel dried up blood on my face and in my hair. I stand up slowly, not knowing what other parts of my body are going to hurt, and go to the bathroom. On my way to the bathroom I check to see if Greg is in. He isn't. I start up the shower and hop in. I carefully wash my hair and face, making sure to get all of the blood out.

I hop out of the shower and head to the bedroom. I look at myself in the mirror. My face, legs and upper body are full of scars and bruises. I'll have to cover them. Well my legs will be ok. I'll blame it on the fact I'm clumsy. My face is the worst part. I have to do my show makeup before I leave, so I don't get questioned. I'll get changed in the toilets so I don't get questioned. I just wanna get away from this.

I get changed and start doing my make-up. I hear the front door open and close again. I instantly tense up. "Hey babes, you almost ready? I'm coming in with you today. Remember?" He says as he comes into the bedroom, watching my every move. I nod my head and carry on with my make-up.

When I am ready we head out to the theatre. When we get there I lead Greg up to my dressing room. I see some of the girls giving me weird looks. Probably because I'm not bouncy and happy. Greg doesn't like me being bouncy.

We get into my dressing room that I share with Shaka and Collette and sit down. I say a small hi to the girls before sorting my things out so I can do my hair. Greg starts talking to me but I'm not really paying attention. He grabs my wrist really hard. I yelp in pain. "Are you listening to me!" He whisper-shouts. I see Collette and Shaka looking now. I look down at my legs. "Look at me when I'm talking to you." He says sternly. I shake my head and carry on looking down. "I said look at me!" He shouts before slapping me and storming out.

I start shaking and crying. I can hear the other girls shouting at Greg in the corridor. Collette is here with me. She starts to come closer. She opens her arms for me. I move back. I don't want to get hurt. "Ok I won't touch you. It's ok. The girls are getting rid of him. Can I clean the cut on your face?" Collette asks. I shakily nod my head. Collette grabs some make-up wipes from her area and comes over. "Do you want to do it or can I?" She asks. I point at her. She nods and starts slowly cleaning the cut.

Collette POV

I start wiping off Vicki's make-up to clean her cut. Around the cut her face is all bruised. I decide to take off all of her make-up. When it is all off I notice Vicki's face is covered in scars, bruises and new cuts, some only a few hours old.

"Vicks, I want you to tell me truthfully, was Greg abusing you?" I ask her gently. She nods her head wearily. She starts to cry. "It's ok Vicki. Let it out. When you're ready you can tell me about it, yeah. It will help." I say she starts sobbing. She tries to curl herself into a ball but it obviously hurts as she cries more and more.

When she stops crying she looks up at me. "Has he hurt you anywhere else, Vicki?" I ask. She nods. "Can you show me?" She nods again and stands up before slowly taking her clothes off. I quickly go and lock the dressing room door. I don't want anyone to come in and wreck the progress I've made.

When Vicki is fully undressed I see her whole body is covered in scars and bruises. I can see every bone as well. I put my head in my hands. How haven't I noticed this before?

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