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~one month later~

Vicki POV

I had a doctor's appointment 2 weeks after I talked with Frankie. She was right. Anxiety and PTSD. I'm on medication that helps control it though. This week me, Frankie, and Nat are in digs together. I've just woke up and I'm sat on the sofa. Nat is in the kitchen making us all breakfast and Frankie is in the shower.

Nat and Frankie have been great. They have been making sure I eat so I can get better. I still don't eat much but I'm getting better. They also help calm me down when I have a panic attack.

This morning we are having bacon and egg sandwiches for breakfast. Nat tells me they are ready and I walk into the kitchen. I noticed my one straight away. My plate has half of a sandwich on and the others have 2 sandwiches on. I grab my plate and sit down at the table. I just stare at the food for a while. Nat and Frankie come and join me. "Hey its ok. Don't force yourself to eat it. Remember we are taking it at your pace." Frankie says to me. I nod and take a deep breath in. I pick up a quarter of the sandwich and take a small bite. I instantly put it back down again. I can feel the tears welling in my eyes. I put my head in my hands. This is too much. I start sobbing. I get up and walk to my room. I want to be alone.

After a while I hear a knock at the door. "Hey Vicks, can we come in?" I hear Nat say. I get up and open the door. I see both Nat and Frankie standing there looking worried. "It's ok. Honestly you have been doing so well this past month and we have been expecting a bad day to come along. How about you try a cereal bar? You really like them." Frankie says. I nod and she grabs one from the box in my room. She unwraps it and breaks it in half before passing one half to me. I slowly eat it. Taking small bites. I finish the half and shake my head, signalling I don't want to eat any more.

Food has been the hardest part of coming away from Greg. I didn't eat for so long and now I'm starting to eat again it is really hard. We do weekly pictures. So we can see my progress. It may only be small but I have put on a tiny bit of weight this past month. I'm starting to look healthier.

No matter how hard this battle gets, I know Nat and Frankie will help me through.

Frankie POV

When I took Vicki to her doctors appointment a couple of weeks ago they told me she is anorexic. I kept it from her though. They said that if she doesn't show any improvement by the next appointment she will have to be admitted into an Eating Disorder clinic. I am doing my best to make sure she is eating everyday. Even just a small amount.

When she ran off crying I didn't know what to do. I went to go after her but Nat stopped me. "Let her be alone for a bit. We can try and get her to eat one of her cereal bars later." I nod and sit down finishing my breakfast. I see Vicki's plate. Almost all of the food Nat gave her was there. All except a small bite out of the sandwich. I'm really worried about her. I don't want Vicki to have to be admitted.

When me and Nat have both finished our breakfast and washed the dishes we decide to go and check on Vicki. Vicki lets us in her room and I manage to get her to eat half a cereal bar. I mean at least she has eaten something.

We all get ready and go to meet the other girls. We are thinking of going to McDonald's for lunch so I make sure to put a few small things in my bag for Vicki but she may have a cheese burger.

When we go to maccies I can see Vicki is quite scared. She is fiddling with her hands a lot. I take her into the toilets with me. "Hey I brought you a few little bits to eat. They are in my bag. I think sticking to safe foods today is going to be better." She nods and says thanks. We go back out and find the girls.

Vicki eats one of the cereal bars I put in my bag. Me and Nat have both realised that cereal bars are a massive safe food for Vicki. She told us that when she did eat, that is all she had.

Vicki POV

I'm so grateful that Frankie and Nat are helping me. I'm glad Frankie brought some cereal bars with her so I could have something to eat. Cereal bars are my favourite. They are a safe food.
We all finish eating and go to the theatre together. We get there just in time so we can go and warm up. I mainly just bounce around and stretch in a corner away from the other girls. Sometimes they can be too energetic and full on.

~ts to after the show~

Today I am stage dooring for the first time in ages (covid doesn't exist). Well since I started tour. When I walk out the door I see a man. He looks like him. I look around and can't see Nat or Frankie. I go around everyone, taking pictures and signing things. Then I get to this man. "Hey Vicki. Long time no see." He whispers in my ear. It is him. I start to panic and look around for Frankie or Nat. I see Nat and she comes over. "Can I help you mate? I can see you're making my friend here very uncomfortable. Can you leave please?" She says powerfully. He just walks off. I hug Nat. She cautiously hugs back, shocked from me giving physical contact. I start crying. I was so scared.


I come out of the stage door and I see this man talking to Vicki. She is looking around and looks really scared. I go over and ask him to leave. When he is gone Vicki hugs me really tightly. I hug back cautiously, shocked she is hugging me. She starts sobbing into my chest. She starts saying "it was him. He was going to hurt me." Over and over again. Then I realised. It was Greg. Frankie comes over, noticing Vicki was hugging me.

"What happened?" Frankie asked me. "Greg was here. He was harassing her. I think she's scared he was going to hurt her." I say. Frankie nods and Vicki releases herself from the hug. Her face is tear stained and red. "Can we go home now?" Vicki asks me and Frankie quietly. We nod and start walking back. Vicki is fidgeting with her hands a lot. I take my bag off of my back whilst we are walking and grab the fidget toy I bought today for Vicki. I hand it to her. She smiles at me and starts playing with it.

When we get home we all head straight to bed. Well, I thought we all did anyway.

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