In Other News

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"What are you thinking, wandering Knocturn Alley at night?" Jacob folded his arms, reminding Sarah of their father. "Out in the open, and blabbering about offing Rakepick of all things. You're lucky she didn't turn up and slit your throats." 

Sarah reeled back, her throat tightening as she met his stern gaze. This was all she got, after months apart? No "how are you?" or  "I'm glad you're alright" or "I'm sorry I've deserted you twice now with little explanation?"

"Rakepick's here?" she asked. 

"I don't know, but I know she's nearby. And I know she's being discreet. She's in a bit of trouble with R for messing up in the buried vault. She's laying low, but she's always listening. So you two better get back to school where it's safe."

"I'm not leaving until you tell me everything you know about Rakepick," said Merula, jutting out her chin defiantly. "I'm going to track her down and kill her myself." 

Jacob smiled grimly. "You'll have to get in line. Behind me." 

"See, Spellman? At least someone in your family has the guts to know its kill or be killed."

"Not wanting to kill Rakepick doesn't make me weak," Sarah answered, before placing a hand to her throbbing temple. 

"Merula's got a point," said Jacob. "If you're not prepared to fight for your life, you need to at least be more careful. Don't go wandering Knockturn Alley, stop exploring Hogwarts grounds by yourself at night--"

"So you have been at Hogwarts!" Sarah shouted. Both Jacob and Merula shushed her. "The twins saw you ages ago, and I've been looking for you ever since." 


"Why?" She attempted to stifle the small wine in her voice. "I can help you." 

"Not with this."

"Why not? I've broken all the other curses. I rescued you. I'm not a little kid anymore. I can do this!" 

Jacob sighed. "I know, Pip. But, I can't leave you to clean my messes anymore. And there's so much you don't know..." He rubbed at his face, then glanced back down the alley. "Listen. I have reason to believe you and Merula are being watched. By an assassin."

"A what?" The girls said together. 

"A wizard from Mahoutokoro. I've spotted him attempting to access the grounds already. I've managed to tail him twice, and trust me, you two are his intended targets. I've had to stall my hunt for Rakepick so I could look after you." 

"I can handle myself," said Merula. 

Jacob smirked. "I don't doubt you can, but this guy is serious. If he gets a chance, he won't hesitate to kill you. So don't give him one. Get back to Hogwarts. How'd you even get here, Knight Bus?"

"What about you?" asked Sarah. "What are you doing here?" When he didn't answer, she implored, "If you won't tell me because I'm your sister, tell me because you owe me. You'd still be trapped in that portrait if not for me." 

"And me," added Merula. 

He sighed. "I know, and I'm grateful. You trusted me then, Pip. I need you to trust me now. Go back to Hogwarts. Watch each other's backs. I'll see you soon." 

"But when?" she tried to ask, but before she finished speaking, Jacob vanished with a faint pop!

Sarah growled. 

"He remembered my name," said Merula. "You know, Jacob's surprisingly cool for someone who's related to you." 

"Whatever," Sarah muttered. "Let's just get back to school."

Heart of Stone: HPHM Year 6Where stories live. Discover now