Flower For A Day.

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Shigaraki had a secret. He liked flowers.

The secret didn't come from liking the flowers, though. It came from why he liked them. What they reminded him of.

He'd been in class for a week before you'd shown up. But both of you were still considered "new," so you'd been put at the back of the room, next to him. He didn't usually pay attention to the lesson, so he was the only one to see you growing vines under your desk.

"Hey," he whispered, his eyes focused on the teacher. "You're not supposed to use your quirk without permission."

You shrugged. "What are ya, the quirk police?"

"The other kids are snitches."

"My quirk is the most standard and boring thing you've ever seen. Nobody's going to care." You rolled your eyes and added, "If they do snitch, they'll be the ones to look like idiots. I need my quirk to live. Literally."


You slouched down in your chair and pulled a seed out of your pocket. "I grow things. I take seeds, or plants that are already growing, and I grow them. But everything," he watched as you grew the seed into a small, handsized cactus. Then, as you spoke, it started to droop and brown, bracts falling to the ground. He didn't even know that cacti could wilt. "everything needs to take in order to keep growing. I just act like a weed. I let them grow and then I take."

The teacher turned back to the class, glancing over you and Shigaraki before returning to the whiteboard.

You leaned in towards Shigaraki. "It's either grow and eat plants- sorry, not eat like with my mouth. It's just what I like calling the whole sucking out the life from flowers thing. Eat the plants or eat other living things-" You grinned wickedly at his expression, and your voice took on a mocking tone. "-but we wouldn't want me to go all villain at this age, so I'll stick with ferns."

The bell rang, and you shouldered your bag before standing up. "C'mon, you made the mistake of talking to me and now I'm curious. Walk and talk or I'm leaving you behind. What's your quirk?"

For the rest of your life, you would have Shigaraki by your side. Friendship would grow into a relationship, because as you so loved to put it, "Life is fucking hard for people who can't not kill things. At least let's take over the world together."

You had some of the same worldviews, but different ways of looking at the world. And wildly different ideas of humour.

"I present to you, my love, Shrek in a bikini." You held out a flower basket that held flowers arranged to look like (as expected) Shrek in a bikini.

Shigaraki blinked. "The fuck is Shrek?"

You almost dropped the basket with your gasp. "WE ARE GOING HOME RIGHT NOW AND HAVING A MOVIE DAY."

"We still have class-"

"Shrek would approve-"

"I don't know who that is-"

"That's why we need to watch it!"

"I need to pass science-"

"And you need your morale up, now shut up and c'mon!" Normally he would've thought Shrek to be beneath him. But with your commentary, he ended up on the floor cry laughing by the end of it.

Sometimes when you were feeling off, you'd drag him to the park. During the day, it was tedious to avoid the children, so he was always happiest to join you at night. His favourite was when you'd knock on his window in the middle of a winter night. You'd draw smiley faces with pitchforks on his windowpane while you waited for him to clamber out and join you, and sometimes you'd draw two of them with surrounding hearts.

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