Chapter 10

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Y/n's POV

"It's okay to feel like shit. Breathe."

My eyes finally opened after what felt like a life time. I was home now, in my bed. I don't remember when I went to sleep much less how I got here. The last thing I do remember is talking to Eddie about my mother and crying like a little bitch but that's about it.

The smell of bacon and..pancakes maybe, filled my nose and gave me a sense of comfort I hadn't felt in a while. It reminded me of her. 

It was nice

I got out of bed...well more like rolled out and stood on my feet. I was nauseous and disoriented. Most likely from the crying part of my night.

Last night 

The whole thing with Jack came flooding back. The look on Madison's face, she was terrified. 

Of me

I stumbled my way into the bathroom to get a good look of the damage. Puffy, red eyes and all around look of distraught was evident in the mirror. Analysis; I look like shit. Brushing my teeth helped but my body was achy and I hated it. 

I passed Emma's room on the way down stairs and peeked inside to see her sleeping peacefully with her stuffed pig I won at a fair for her when I was 12 right after she was born. She slept with it every night. 

The scent of breakfast was growing stronger the closer I got to the source and light humming could be heard over the frying bacon. It was a soft gentle voice humming the rhythm of The Teddy Bear's Picnic. Something only April would do when she would make us breakfast after James left. I had given her a spare key a while ago for emergencies but of course Jame has no idea.

I walked into the kitchen to see the older woman softly swaying to the song as she flipped pancakes and glanced at the bacon every so often. 

I don't know how long I was staring but she never seemed to notice. Just kept humming and flipping. I wonder if she has ever experienced the same kind of loss. She never talks about herself when she's with us. She only ever listens to what we have to say.

I know she lives alone in her apartment and we're with her on holidays so I think we are all she has. Just like she is all we have. 

"Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna set the table child?" 

"Right, sorry ma'am." I rushed to the cabinet to grab the plates. There were inly about five plates in total.

"How are you feeling? That Eddie boy dropped you off last night and carried your ass upstairs." She flipped another pancake before taking the bacon away from the stove.

"Fine." It was an obvious lie but I did not have the strength to muster up a half decent one. There was no point anyway. The deaf and blind could see I was far from it.

"If you don't want to talk that's fine, but you better eat this food I made." 

"Sometimes I think you're trying to make me gain weight." I grabbed the forks.

"Lord knows you need it." She mumbled. I laughed.

"Go wake your sister so we can eat." She brought the food to the table and ushered me away. I walked back up the stairs towards Emma's room.

Stepping inside quietly, I softly sat on the edge of her bed. 

"Wake up squirt, we gotta eat." I shook her gently and she groaned while opening her eyes.

"You made breakfast?" Her voice was groggy.

"The old bat downstairs did." I teased. She giggled and sat up, the pig still in her arms. 

"Where were you last night?" 

"Out with some friends." I whispered.

"Are you okay? You're wearing outside clothes." 

"Here with you, I am now." I sighed. she smiled and jumped into my lap. I pulled her close. 

"C'mon, go brush those teeth before the witch eats us." I set her on the ground and she ran off towards the bathroom. 

She was right, I was still in my clothes from last night. I could see the grass stain from my talk with Eddie on my pants. I pulled my phone from my pocket. There was a single text from two hours ago.

Madison-Call me 

I had no idea what to say to her. What if she never wants to see me again? Or she's calling the cops or something. The latter is unlikely but still a possibility.

I don't want to lose what we have, whatever that is. But if I do noting at all I'll lose her anyway. 

I decided to shove my phone back into my pocket and deal with it later. I have no idea what she wants me to say but its something that'll have to wait. 

"Y/N, there's a pretty girl at the door for you!"

The long awaited chapter 10 for you guys. Tell me what you think!


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