Chapter 5

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Y/n's POV
The next day at school was the most awkward day in educational history. When I arrived, I immediately met up with Eddie. He was sitting at a bench near the entrance.

"Hey ma-"

"Shut the fuck up and let me talk. I just had the best night of my life." I interrupted him and quickly sat down next to him.

"Ok first of all, wow. Second if all, did you finally get laid?" He asked hopefully.

"Not quite. I managed to go the whole night with Madison and not make a complete fool of myself." I said quickly. He looked at me expectantly.

"Was that it? That was the best night of your life? That's sad dude. Even for you." He rolled his eyes.

"Oh did I forget to mention she kissed me?" I added.

"Ok, now you're talking." He turned his body towards me showing I had his full attention.

"Was it like a full on kiss?" He asked.

"No. It was in the cheek." I said looking down.

"And you lost me. How the fuck did you only end up with a kiss on the cheek?" He shook his head.

"She still has a boyfriend dick." It was my turn to roll my eyes.

"And thats supposed to mean something because?" He said.

"Listen man. As much as I hate Jack, I'd never ruin someone's relationship like that." I shook my head.

"Well something is about to be. Probably your pants." He pointed behind him. I looked to where exactly and I saw Jack coming towards me.

"Oh shit what do I d-" I stopped when I saw Eddie running in the other direction. Asshole.

"Hey ass-face!" Jack yelled.

"Hey Jack, what can I do for you?" I tried playing nice.

"I just wanted to tell you that if you ever touch my girl or even think about it with your Percy brain, I'm gonna rip your spine out and feed it to you." He got really close to my face.

"Listen Jack, I think we can all be adults and try to work this out together. Obviously I have to talk and work with her because she's my partner." I said backing up.

"And I know that-"

"Jack! Leave him alone. We talked about this already." Madison came stomping in with her heels. She went straight to Jack and pushed him away from me.

"He's my partner and I'm tired of you acting like a little kid. I'm working with him and that's final." She yelled.

Jack looked down at her then back at me.

"If you think for a second that I'm just gonna stand here and let him move in on my territory you got another thing coming."Jack yelled back.

"YOU'RE TERRITORY?" She got even louder. She stepped closer to him and got really quiet.

"I am not your territory. I never was and I never will be. You are the last person who can tell me what to do. Now take your ass inside that school before I really hurt your feelings. I am not one of your little friends. You understand?" She liked him dead in the eye. He looked around again and slowly started to walk inside.

"That was awkward." I said under my breath. Madison turned to me and gave me an apologetic smile before walk after Jack.

Looking around I saw the small crowd they had drawn. They were all looking at me now.

I backed away before speed walking in the same direction Eddie went.

Don't ask me where I've been because I don't have an answer to give. Sorry it's kinda short but it's late and I'm tired.  More Billie Eilish soon.

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