Chapter 2

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Y/n's POV

The rest of class consisted of laughing with Madison and death glares from Jack. I don't know if Madison saw them or just chose to ignore it.

It wasn't really like Jack was trying to hide them. I felt bad for Eddie because he had to sit next to the dick.

Eddie was more popular than me so he generally had more friends. I was of course his best but he was known enough throughout school to never be lonely. He was more outgoing than I am but that's because he doesn't really have to worry about the same things I do.

Eddie is an only child so he didn't really have anyone to take care of but himself. I'm happy for him though. I would never wish my life on to someone else. Not even Jack.

Maybe Jack.

But still, being with him was refreshing because I got to hear about the normal teenage drama that he has with his parents. His mother mostly.

I went to his house a lot when I wasn't at school or taking care of my sister. His mother was a delight and she loved me.

Eddie may have a lot of friends at school but he was very lonely at home. He couldn't be with his parents for more than a couple of hours so if I couldn't come over he would.

When the bell rang for the end of class i waited for Eddie to finish packing up before trying to leave.

"So I guess I'll see you later then Y/n?" I looked over to see Madison smiling at me. I nodded my head and smiled back.

"For sure. You're kinda stuck next to me for a while." I laughed before looking towards Eddie to see if he had finished. Of course Jack was making his way over to us.

I smiled one more time towards Madison before making a beeline to the door. I could always wait for Eddie out here. I was not in the mood to be harassed by Jack face.

Thinking back I remember when Jack used to be a nice kid. He wasn't always the asshole he is now.

I'm fact, we used to kinda be friends. But a after his brother came back from military school, he became a different person.

Everyone noticed but they were too scared to say anything. Jack was big and won every fight he'd ever been in. I guess it was thanks to his super disciplined brother.

Eddie finally walked out of the classroom and I basically dragged him away. I really wasn't trying to stick around for too long.

My next class was music. It was my favorite class because it's the only one I'm good at. I've played instruments all my life.

When James first took us in he got me a guitar that I had lost over the years. It was the first and last nice thing he did for me.

Eddie and I didn't have this class together which was fine because I didn't really talk in this class because I love it.

I sat towards the front of the class, the teacher and I were close. Not in the weird way but like she was my friend. I guess thats pretty weird but she's cool.

Pulling out my notebook I heard my name being called from the door.

"Y/n." I looked up and saw Madison again. I smiled and she started walking towards me. She sat down in the seat that was next to mine.

"Wow, I didn't know you liked music like that
Y/n." She laughed.

"Yeah, I've loved it since I was a kid." I nodded my head.

"That's so cool. I love to sing and play piano." She smiled.

"Wow a singer. Maybe you could s-sing for me some t-time?" I suddenly grew nervous asking her this.

"Only if you show me what you got too." She agreed.

"Well I'm not singer but I play a couple instruments here and there." I shook my head at the thought of me singing.

"We'll see about that Y/n." She smirked.

"Okay class, today we will start on music composition. This is the advanced class so no need to focus on the beginner stuff huh?" Ms.Martinez said.

Madison sat up straight and started to pay attention. I smiled to myself at the thought of her wanting to spend time with me.

"You will write a short song on anything you'd like. It can be by yourself or you can pick a partner." She said.

I started planning out the song in my head since I was used to working alone. I was thinking of a melody before Madison tapped on my shoulder.

"Hey, wanna be partners? It's the perfect time to show me how talented you claim to be." She asked.

"I guess sure." I was surprised to know she wanted to work with me. Over the years I had adapted to being on my own or doing all the work when forced into groups.

It was a nice change in things.

"So should I come over after school to get started?" She asked. I instantly froze at her question. No way was I going to let her see my living situation.

"Uh, is it cool if I just come over to your house instead? I gotta do some things after school." I lied.

"Yeah sure. Give me your phone." She stuck her arm out. I looked at it confused. She rolled her eyes and then laughed.

"I'm gonna give you my number dummy." She laughed and again and reached for my phone. It wasn't the newest model that everyone had but she didn't seem to care.

After a couple seconds she handed my phone back. Her phone went off and she held up the screen.

"Now you have mine, and I have yours." I looked down at my phone to see what she out as her contact name.


I looked back at her and she winked before turning back towards the front of the classroom.


Since I have nothing better to do, I'm trying to update my books more. Hope you enjoyed.

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