Chapter 12

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Y/n's POV 

Madison left after breakfast with April. The conversation we had opened my eyes about the way I was living my life. I had let too many people bully me. If it wasn't my father it was assholes life Jack and even myself. 

I was punishing myself for what happened to my mom instead of accepting it for what it was. I thought that I deserved to be alone for sins I didn't commit. Because at the end of the day, I didn't kill my mother, my father did. 

And now I was letting James treat me and Emma like shit so he can get a check every once and a while but I'm done.

"Well at least you cooked the food all the way through this time." I said while taking the dishes to the sink.

"It was mainly for Emma but you're here too I guess." She washed the dishes as she spoke, I wasn't allowed to because I "couldn't clean my balls so it makes sense I can't clean the kitchen." Or so she'd say.

"How are you doing kid?" 

"I'm fine."

"Be honest now." 

"Really I'm okay, for a while I wasn't and I know that now but I'm trying to do better." I smiled.

"Look, I know we like to joke and poke fun but I really do care about you Y/n. Emma too, I hope you know that." 

"Don't go getting soft on me now old lady. Of course I know, I hope you know your kindness doesn't go unappreciated. I don't know what we would've done without you." I meant it.

 She smiled at me, a genuine smile.

"I better get going before you know who shows up." 

"I told you to stay out of my house you crazy bitch." The voice came from behind me. James had returned from where ever the hell he came.

"Don't talk to her like that asshole." I snapped at him.

"What you say boy?" He stepped up in my face.

"I said don't talk to her like that." I got closer.


Next thing I knew, he was swinging at me. I ducked and tackled him to the floor.

"Y/n!" April's voice rang out. I got off of James but he didn't get up.

"You ungrateful little shit, I let you into my home and this is the thanks I get?" He yelled from the floor.

"April get Emma and go." I kept my eyes on James. April grabbed Emma from upstairs and left.

"You want me to thank you? You don't do a damn thing for us but give us a place to sleep. April does all our cooking and helps with school." I told him.

"You're not my fucking kids now are you?"

"No, but you signed up for this shit. Now I'm not asking you to love us like a father because you're not. If you were I would kill you where you stand, but I expect you treat us like fucking humans instead of pets you keep around the house." I stood over him.

"You don't want people to find out what really happens here do you? So get your shit together before I make a phone call. And do it fast." I walked over to the door, walking out.

"I only have so much patience."

Madison's POV

Jack had texted me about fifty times now. It was always along the lines of "I'm sorry" or "You know I'm not that guy" but I honestly didn't want to hear any of it. I'm done with him and his bullshit. My attention was on Y/n but I wanted this to be different with him. 

I devoted a lot of myself to Jack and while I want to keep a steady relationship with Y/n, I also wanted to be able to be by myself for a while. I don't want to rush anything with Y/n like I did with Jack.

That's why I decided to spend the rest of the day for myself.  

"Let's go bitch! Girls day!" 

And Charlotte.


"So he just beat the shit out of Jack?" 

"Yeah it was scary but, kinda hot." We got coffee and now we're on our way to the mall.

"Wow Mads, way to have standards." She laughed.

"I'm serious, after all the crap he gave Y/n I'm not surprised they would fight but you should've seen him. It was like non stop punching." I shook my head.

"I mean don't you think that's a little concerning? All that rage inside of him just coming out like that?" 

"I get where you're coming from and I'm not at all ignoring what he can do but I don't want to judge him for a small moment."

"Jack has been a dick for a long time and you saw how long I was with him."

"That's true, I just don't like seeing you with shitty guys Madison." She looked at me.

"Just promise me, if you see a red flag, run for the hills girl." She shook her head.

"I promise." We laughed.

A lot of personal growth this chapter. Everyone needs therapy sometimes.


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