Jinx x transmasc reader

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Requested by: BliztheGoatBoi

Pronouns: he/him

•Y/N's POV:•
I was in my room.. knife in hand. I was staring at myself in the mirror, tears falling down my eyes, I didn't feel like I was a female at all, I feel like I'm stuck in a body I don't belong... and I'm gonna change that. I gritted my teeth thinking of all scenarios my friends and family might think of me, my parents will either support me... or throw me out, Jinx will either support me or leave me if she wants, Silco either supports me... or forgets about me..
"Stop it." I growled at myself and stared at the mirror, "it's now or never." I mumbled, as fast as I could my left hand grabbed all my long E/C hair and within a second, and one single slash of my knife through my hair, it was gone.
The E/C hair fell to the floor as I stared at myself in the mirror with wide eyes, more tears falling down as I chuckled, a wide smile across my face as I felt like I became one step closer to becoming who I really want to be...
I'm Transmasculine, meaning when I was born I was assigned: female as my gender due to my genetic appearance, but throughout the years I had felt more and more out of place in my body, I had always felt like I belonged in a males body, not a female, and now I'm going to fix that.
I grabbed some scissors and seasoned my hair a bit more, making it look neater, I sniffed and wiped my tears away, I quickly ran to my wardrobe and opened it, pushing all my hung up clothes to the side and went to the far back, grabbing a box, I pulled out a box and there laid a binder. I quickly stripped myself of my top and bra and quickly put on the F/C binder, it pushed my breasts against my chest comfortably as I sighed in relief, I get an oversized jumped and quickly put it on, I then get some baggy jeans with rips in them and put them on, I ran to my mirror once again and gasped at what I saw... this was me... I looked like a boy. I couldn't hold back the smile as I placed on a black mask and some earrings to complete my look. I couldn't help but even jump around some my room.
Suddenly I heard a loud thud and a click, i turned around and saw Jinx holding out a gun to me, "who are you, and why are you in my girlfriends house." She sneered, I giggled and pulled my mask down, "Jinx it's me, Y/N." I smiled, her eyes widened as she settled the gun down. "What- happened?" She asked. I sighed knowing it was now or never to explain, "Jinx, you know whenever I complained like I was in the wrong body whenever I felt upset?" I asked, Jinx nodded slowly not catching on, "what I mean is, is that I don't feel like I should be a female, I feel like I need to be a boy. I can't explain it... and from now on.. I will be who I want to be, I don't care if you accept me or not! I'm being me no matter what!" I shouted the last part. Everything was dead silent until I felt arms wrap around me, my eyes widened as I noticed Jinx was hugging me really tightly. "Oh my god! I have a boyfriend! Oooooo! You look so handsome! Oh I'm so happy for you Y/N!" Jinx said, I chuckled, "thought of a new name yet?" She asked, I shook my head, "no not yet. I want my name to be a really good one so I'm gonna put some thought into it." I smiled, she chuckled and hugged me. "Hey! Wanna ask if Silco can get surgery and parts you don't want?" She asked pointing at my non visual tits. I smiled and nodded, she then picked me up and climbed through my window, as she ran on top of roofs till we got to our destination.

Time skip

I stood there awkwardly as Silco stared at me, Jinx had to biggest smile of pride, making me less tense, "alright, I'll see if I can extract shimmer into a muscular cell to give you the body you desire. It might take some time though so for now I just recommend you go on these pills." Silco said, opening his drawer and pulled out a small jar of testosterone. 'What the-' I thought, "Jinx had spoke to me about you feeling out of place in your body so just in case it ended up as this situation I brought you some. Please don't overdose on these it takes time." Silco said handing me it, I looked at him with a relived Look, "thank you." I cried, he only nodded before Jinx hugged me. "We're so proud of you Y/N."

"And we love you for who you are."

The end

Hiii! Hope you enjoyed, sorry if I got anything wrong

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