Ekko x non-binary reader

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Requested by: @WillowLiht

Pronouns: they/them

•Y/N's POV:•
My body shaking in fear, pain and the cold. A bunch of Silco's men had beat me up for messing up a small mission, leaving me bruised up with scratches littering my body, ripped clothes, full of a cold. I was shivering on the floor, tears escaping my eyes as I gritted my teeth, holding back sobs and small yelps.
I can't lay here forever I know, but where am I gonna go? I have no where to go... nowhere to hide, nothing to treat my wounds which will only cause my bleeding to be worse, my clothes full of mud and damped with water.

"Wow, you need a little help there bud?" I heard a voice ring out, I peered my eyes open, only to see a blurry figure, white hair I think. "Please don't hurt me anymore.." I cringed, those were the last words I said before passing out.

-•Ekko's POV:•-
This person seemed to have had a rough time, I witnessed it, Silco's men beating the shit outta this person.
They seemed to have passed out after begging me not to hurt them. Poor thing, I picked them up bridal style, getting on my hoverboard and began to fly to my secret hideout.

Time skip

They laid in my bed, blanket over them as bandages was wrapped around them. It pained me to see that one little mashup could lead to your life being on the line.
But now that I've found them, they aren't in contort anymore, they are free and in good hands.
I looked down on them noticing them twitch slightly.
"Where.. am I?" They asked sitting up, I helped them sit up, "you at my house. Don't worry I won't hurt ya." I said. They looked at me with wide eyes, looking around and then at themselves, seeing all the bandages and plasters. "You saved me?" They asked, I just simply nodded.
They smiled and hugged me, I felt them wince at the pain but didn't move away, so I gently hugged back. "Are you feeling okay? You were out for a good couple hours." I said, they just shook their head.
"So.. where am I? Am I still in the undercity?" They asked, looking out my window seeing the bright sun and the colourful greens of the leaves and the massive tree.
"Yup, your still in the Undercity. Don't worry your not dead, this is a secret lace I built for those who were caught and put in captivity by Silco or forced to work with him." I explained to them, I helped them stand up and took them over to my balcony, they stared in awe as they looked around, children playing with their friends as adults watched with a smile, some even waved to the injured person or just shared a nod.
"Say, what's your name?" I asked, they jumped, "right sorry about that. Y/N, I'm Y/N! And thanks for patching me up..?" They carried their sentence, "Ekko." I replied, "well thanks for patching me up Ekko." The said, I smiled and wrapped an arm around them, "any time Y/N." I said.


The end

This is all I'm able to do for now- ANYWAY HAVE A GOOD DAY/NIGHT BAAAIII!

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