Silco x Fem Magical reader pt2

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•Y/N's POV:•
My eyes snapped open as I heard a loud bang, I sat up and threw the blanket away from me, I got up and got changed. I barge out of my room and to the guest room seeing the slanky man laying on the ground snoring. I rolled my eyes as I went to the kitchen, making myself some tea/coffee. "Jinx?" I heard the man whisper from the corner, I popped my head out and saw him looking around, he looked at me as his eyes widened, remembering what happened, "yeah. Hi. Don't know who jinx is sorry, but I don't really care, just as long as you fix my damn window." I said as I moved back to the kitchen. I heard him rustle loudly in the other room and ran towards me, "hey! Hey!" He sternly said, "you going to give me a reading?" He asked, I huffed, "you going to give me a window?!" I turned back and got in his face waiting for his reply as he stayed silent, "s'what I thought." I turned back around and put some toast in the toaster, "cant you use magic to cool your food?" He asked, "you don't shut up." I whispered to myself, "simply because I'm human. I have some special ability's but I'd rather be responsible." I said, "now sit at that table over there and wait while I have my coffee/tea." I pointed at the table in the other room, he looked towards the room and grumbled something before going in the direction I told him to wait at.
Once the toast popped out i immediately lost my appetite, I grabbed a plate and put the toast on the plate before spreading some butter on it. I grabbed the plate and went into the room where the man was and gave it him, "isn't this, yours?" He asked, shock laced in his voice yet his face showed no shock. "Lost my appetite." Was all I said before going back to make my coffee/tea and came back within a few minutes.
I sat down on the table.

"Alright skinny, you ready?" I asked, raising a brow, he rolled his eyes and put his elbows on the table, I immediately kicked his leg under the table as he jumped, "what the fuck?!" He shouted, "no elbows on the table!" I ordered.
I did my usual ritual, three cards laid out in front of me, I looked up at him, "ready?" I asked, he nodded.
I flipped over the first card, his eyes widened, "death?" He asked, "I'm gonna die?!" he stood up, I raised my hand and stopped him from any other sort of movement and to shut up, "no, it just means your going to lose something." I said, he hesitantly sat back down, I grabbed the next card, "Hm, someone is going to fall in love with you. And you'll return the feelings." I showed him the card, he cringed. I chuckled, and put the card down, not noticing his stare, and the picked up the next card, "you'll be happy, you'll have your way. But you die by the one you love truly. Either it be your lover, or your daughter." I smiled, his eyes widened, "how did you-" I cut him off, "I read people easily." I most opened towards his coat, he looked down and saw a drawing of a monkey and a young blue haired girl. He chuckled but quickly turned to his stoic posture once he turned towards me, "do you know who my lover is?" He asked, "I can do another reading but that'll cost extra~" I sang. He sighed and pulled out a bag, "I take it back them. Here, for the reading and the window." He said. We both got up as we both walked to the door.
I opened it as he stepped outside, he turned around, "thanks I guess..." he mumbled, I got in his face, "please. Do come again~" I winked and kissed his cheek lightly, before pulling away and shutting the door. I turned away from the door and turned red.

What did I just do...

The end

Sorry it's rushed. And sorry for the break, I had the flu and a few medical problems but it's fine now.

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