•Y/N's POV:• "Powder.." Vi fought back, "no let me join! I'm old enough, you said I was ready!" Powder fought, "Powder, what we are doing today is dangerous, I can't let you get hurt." Vi tried to reason with her, "but you can let them get hurt?" Powder pointed out, raising her hand to gesture to me, Mylo and Claggor. I raised my hands and backed away, "leave us outta this." I shook my head. Powder only rolled her eyes as Vi gave us a side glance, "look, we'll wait for you two at the front." Mylo said, wanting to be away from the sister's bickering. Me, Mylo and Claggor took our exit and made our way to the front of the last drop. Not too long later both sisters had exited the door. "Really? She convinced you to join?!" Mylo complained, Vi just walked past him as we all followed after her, "you better not jinx this mission." Mylo got in Powder's face while putting a finger on her temple, i furrowed my brows as I walked his hand away, "keep your hands to yourself Mylo." I said, he only rolled his eyes and began talking with Claggor, "just ignore him, he might be on his 'man period'" I smiled as Powder chuckled. "Now there is one rule Powder. Stick with us at all times unless we tell you to go somewhere. Okay?" I asked, she sighed and nodded, "we just want to make sure your safe for the first few missions. It's not easy up there. There's always the risk of falling, getting captured. It could happen to any of us." I patted her blue hair as she nodded again, she then ran off next to her sister as I turned to join in Mylo and Claggor's conversation, "you sure we should do this. I don't know why but.. I feel like something bad is going to happen." Claggor said, unsure of this mission, "you always feel something bad will happen, just calm down." Mylo said, Claggor looked away unconvinced, "Claggor." I called, the dark haired boy turned to me, "if anything bad does happen, we'll all be here to protect each other. Correct?" I asked, Claggor nodded, "just keep your nose high and hope for the best." I smiled, putting my finger under his nose and forced his face to look forward, "I'm pretty sure it's keep your chin high." Mylo chuckled, "so, their both still ok your face." I shrugged as Mylo copied my actions.
-•No Ones POV:•- The group all jumped across roofs and houses to avoid being caught and going into a foot chase with Piltover's enforcers. "This is easy." Powder chuckled as she felt the wind blow through her blue hair, "of course it is! Your not jumping left to right, just a straight line!" Vi smiled towards her younger sister. "Where do we need to go?!" Y/N asked, turned they're head towards the leader of the teens as they jumped over to another roof, Vi stared at them for a few seconds, memorising the sight of how the sun kissed Y/N's skin perfectly, with the wind brushing Y/N's messy H/C hair. Vi looked away from them as she loudly spoke for them all to hear, "we're heading to highoverall, think you all will make it?" Vi asked, everyone nodded as they prepared for the long journey.
Half an hour later
Everyone stopped and panted in an alleyway, a shadow covered the slum walls making perfect cover for the five, once they all caught their breaths Vi told everyone the plan, "we need to get into that corner shop there. It had crystals that can sell thousands, make sure to pick up ones that shine." Vi instructed. Everyone nodded as Vi peeked around the corner and saw that no one was on the road, the only people that remained on the slim road was frankly old people, smoking or playing chess, either way, they all were distracted; which was perfect for the five to sneak to the opposite side of the road and break in through the back. Everyone looked around in awe as they quickly began to stiff crystals, diamonds and unknown objects into their bags, "you sure we should do this mission?" Y/N asked, as they picked up a Citrine;
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