Chapter 4:

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The rest of the school year went pretty fast and now we were in year 9...Tom and I made up...not that we ever fell out anyway...and the Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone premiere was two days away and I've never seen him so nervous.

" be want to willingly wear a suit...what has happened to you!" I joked.

"I grew up!" Tom smirked at me.

"Oh shut up!" I threw a shirt on the floor at him.

"Oi...that's not fair!" Tom chuckled.

"I think it's very fair, thank you very much!"

"Oh do you now?"


"Do you!" Tom walked towards me slowly before he launched at me and started trying to tickle me.

"No...Tom fuck off!" I leapt off his bed before he could even try.

"Fair play!"

I still didn't exactly know what to wear...I didn't have much money so I couldn't go by an fancy dress, Tom wanted us to sort of match but I haven't even seen what he's wearing so I don't know the fuck I'm meant to match mine to his if I dont know what his looks like.


24 hours before the premiere

This little bitch...of course he did this...why the fuck am I not surprised...he was acting odd all day and wouldn't tell me why. I get home to my mum with a beaming smile. She was acting odd as well. Until I saw it...a big ass box on the sofa.

"Mum...what-" I asked but she stopped me.

"Go open it!" She nearly squealed.

I slowly walked over mildly concerned as to what my mum was so excited about. The box was heavy but light at the same time. I opened the lid of the box to see it covered in green and silver tissue paper with a note on the top...Tom. Of course I opened the note first and I may or may not have cried...I'm a baby ok.


I know you don't have the money to waste on a dress so I thought I'd take matters into my own hands.

I remembered your obsession with the 50's a few years ago so I searched everywhere for a dress that resembled that because you always said no matter what they were for the dresses always looked elegant. And like I said I wanted us to match so I got you a black one...and because you like black so it worked I guess.

I also want you to not only come to the premiere but I want you to come with me...that involves walking in front of the shitty press together, You can always decide you don't want to. I completely respect that.

I know we aren't as close as we used to be but I promise you that I still love you, I always will because you're my little Lizzy.

Tom x

Why is he adorable? It's annoying. I moved the tissue paper to reveal a black satin spaghetti strap dress with a floaty shirt attack to the top. I carefully lifted it out of the box and my mum wasn't extravagant but it definitely was elegant. It definitely was inspired by the 50' be honest I was surprised Tom remembered that because it was quickly taken over by Harry Potter.

"That's such a wonderful gift!" My mum spoke up.

"Can I-!" I started before there was a knock at the door.

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