Chapter 1- the day we met.

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*Azzy Smith*

I am wandering in the streets that I am not familliar with. passing some strangers. I just feel so pathetic right now. I hate this feeling. It SUCKS! I didn't notice that tears are falling from my eyes when I saw my face in the mirror of a certain store.aahhh my make-up is all in a mess. As I tried to dry my tears with my hands, I just felt like I want to cry more, and I just broke!

"WHHHYYYY!!" I shouted as people looked at me like some crazy person.

"you are such an asshole leaving me like this you moron!!" I just said it out loud ignoring the people staring at me. I just can't control my feelings. It hurt me so much!!

An old woman approached me and tried to comfort me. I just sobbed and minutes later i have calmed myself and just went for a coffee. Running some random stuff in my mind, I just figured out that all men are just the same! I mean they will just use women for their own comfort and just dumped them wherever and whenever they want! I will never ever trust men again!

As I was talking to myself, I felt that there are some eyes straring at me from the back. feeling uncomfortable, I looked behind me, and there I saw a shinning figure and thought to myself "is he a god?" Clearing my eyes, I saw a tall, dark and handsome man! I mean for real, I can't even believe it myself.

"...ok?" he said. Not hearing the first words that he said as I am drooling from his beautiful face.

"ahh huh?"

" I said .. Are you okay? You seem depressed talking to yourself." he said slowly, thinking that I was an illiterate person.

"ah yeah I'm fine, I just came from a bad situaton, so I think it's natural for me to be like this." I said to him trying to avoid my eyes from his and lifting my eyebrow to look like I don't notice him.

"aahh so can I share a table with you?" the man said.

I was shocked and thought "is he trying to hit on me?" I didn’t noticed that my mouth is open.

"Ah please don't misunderstand, as you can see there are no other tables available. Since your alone and I think you’re about to finish your coffee, I thought of asking if you can share a table with me. If that's fine with you though." He said, like he knew what is running into my mind.

"Sure you can share a table with me... I wasn’t thinking of anything.."

He sits in front of me, feeling awkward I just scan my mobile to read some messages. I found some text from Jason, that monster. I got pissed and unconsciously throw the phone in the table. I was stunned with what I just did in front of this person.

"ahh sorry I just got pissed with the text I got." I explained myself.

"I had a feeling that it's from your ex.?" he smirked at me and again unconsciously tears fell down my face again, I dry my tears quickly with my hands when I noticed him looking at me. I wish he was just my ex.

"Ah sorry I didn't notice.."

"It's fine, you just have to find another man to fall in love with again." he said it like it is easy to fall in love.

"I am never going to trust any guys again...EVER!" I assured him with a deadly glare.

"woah woah chill baby, I am not your enemy here." and he laugh.

It was the best definition of a killer smile. I mean it was so beautiful that you can just accept death in an instant. "OH" I snap myself back to reality.

"Even though, you’re still a guy, I mean you’re all the same. All men are monsters and morons.." I stopped as I heard him laugh again. "What?"

"Sorry, I can't help it. You look too cute seeing your angry face. You look like a kid. hahahaha" he stopped laughing when he saw that I was serious. "oh so you really think that about men? Well I think don't have any experience yet. Just explore more and you will find your match baby."

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