🌥️~ 8 ~🌥️

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They ended up playing chess until they fell asleep at the table.

Paris and Niall weren't sure whether or not to move them, so they just let them sleep where they were. Both boys woke up to the smell of breakfast, and neither of them mentioned the fact that they held hands in their sleep.

Harry had said that Louis looked like a hedgehog in the morning, and Louis retorted by saying that Harry's voice sounded like gravel. They were more complements than insults, but neither of them acknowledged that.

At breakfast, Louis ate quietly, barely listening to Harry complain about anything he could.

"Honestly, it's ridiculous. You definitely held my hand first. There's no way I'd initiate that in my sleep. And it's so weird how much your hair sticks up in the morning. I thought it would stab me."

"M' hair's not long enough to stab you," Louis mumbles, not really having the energy to say much else.

"It was right in my face when I woke up! It could've stabbed one of my eyes! Either way," Harry directs his attention to his servant, "Niall, why didn't you move me to the Bedroom?"

"I wasn't sure if you wanted me to, your Majesty," Niall says with an Irish accent. It makes Louis realise that he's never heard Niall talk before.

"I'm just ranting, pest. I never gave you permission to speak. You'll be punished for that later," Harry says sternly.

Louis blinks at him in surprise, suddenly more awake.

"You're punishing him for talking?" Louis asks in shock.

"Of course. Servants should never speak unless spoken to directly, or given permission. Niall knows that," Harry dismisses as if it's natural.

"That's a bit fucked up, to be honest. And did you say you were punishing him?" Louis doesn't lose the exasperated edge to his voice.

"Isn't that obvious? He disobeyed the rules, so he needs to be punished, or it might happen again. It's okay, he'll survive," Harry sounds bored as he's saying this, and it makes Louis' blood boil.

"And what exactly are you going to do to him?" He asks angrily.

"Lock him in the Dark Room. Since you don't seem to know anything, I'll explain what that is. It's a room without any light or windows, made completely of concrete, with a small rug in the corner for sleep. He usually gets locked in there for a day, and depending on what he did, he might not get food and water. Oh, I forgot, he has a bucket in there as well. I'm sure you can figure out what he does with that. I think for speaking without permission, I'll just lock him in there for a day. I'll give him water, but he's been eating too much, so he won't get food."

Harry explains all this as if it's the most natural thing in the world, and Louis barely resists the urge to smack him in the face.


Okay, he doesn't resist the urge at all.

"What the actual hell!? Harry, you can't do that to someone! That's way too harsh for, what, talking!? Honestly, I can't believe you! I knew you were an asshole, but I didn't realise that you're the actual spawn of Satan! For fucks sake. I honestly can't deal with you right now. Niall, come with me."

Harry doesn't say anything, still shocked over the fact that someone would attack him. He's unfocused when he watches Louis, Niall, and Paris walk out of the room.


"Liam!" Louis shouts, knocking loudly on the door.

Louis knows there's most likely a small chance that Liam is actually in his room right now. He's probably attending to the Monarchs. But he needs to talk to the Monarchs, and he doesn't know where they might be, so he needs Liam.

To Louis' surprise, Liam opens the door after a few more knocks.

"Louis, what is wrong with you? You were knocking so loudly the whole Land could probably hear you," Liam complains, before noticing that Louis isn't alone. "Oh, I didn't realise you brought company. What's the occasion?"

"We need to talk to the Monarchs. Where are they?" Louis asks firmly.

Liam sighs. "They're on a date. They've asked for complete privacy."

"It's urgent," Louis stresses, begging with his eyes.

Liam sighs again, this time longer.

"I'm so getting fired," he grumbles. "They're taking a walk around the Greenhouse. I'll lead you there."

Louis jumps on Liam and gives him a bone-crushing hug in response.


Louis spots the Monarchs as soon as they walk in.

"Your Majesties," he calls out as he marches confidently towards them.

Paris keeps a little behind Louis, moving with the same confidence. Niall lags a little behind the two, looking extremely nervous.

"Louis. I'm surprised to see you here. Aren't you having breakfast at this time?" The Queen asks.

"I was. Harry and I were eating together, and he was ranting insesintly. He asked Niall a question, and when Niall answered he said that Niall was speaking without permission. He told me that he was going to lock Niall in a Dark Room without any food," Louis explains, anger prominent in his voice.

The Queen looks shocked. "Servants are supposed to follow orders, but even that is extremely harsh. Goodness, Niall is a human, not some animal!"

Louis nods in agreement. He's glad the Queen is taking his side in this.

"Niall, since you've had so much trouble with Harry, I want you to be Louis' servant from now on. I'll have Liam be Harry's servant, since Liam is strong and knows to ignore harmful orders," the Queen decides.

"Um, what about me?" Paris asks a little shyly.

The Queen smiles softly. "Congratulations, Paris. You're being promoted. You'll officially be the servant of the King and me."

Paris' face is priceless. They look really shocked.

"Th-thank you so much," they stutter in excitement, a smile forming on their face.

"You're welcome, darling. Now, if you all don't mind, the King and I would like to return to our date," the Queen smiles at them all.

They all leave the Greenhouse with smiles on their faces.


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