Wallace Boden

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Imagine that you were walking out of your bedroom to see your dad, too busy with your older twin brother

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Imagine that you were walking out of your bedroom to see your dad, too busy with your older twin brother.

Feeling annoyed about it, you walked right back into your room and climbed into bed.

'Dad is too busy, reading my brother a book. I should just go to bed alone, as always...' You thought to yourself and rolled over in your bed.

Soon you had heard the bedroom door being opened and in walked your brother. He had climbed into his bed, just before your dad had walked into the room.

"Ready for bed?" He asked your brother, who nodded and then pointed at you and asked, "What about Y/n, dad?"

Hearing your name, your dad looked at you in your bed facing the wall and trying to sleep while silently crying cause you had just wanted your dad there with you.

He walked over to you and left a kiss at the top of your head and then he grabbed a book off the shelf in the room.

Then he sat down on your bed and let you get up and snuggle up to him, before he started reading you the book.

When he was done reading the book, he tucked you into your bed and then he says, "I'm sorry about earlier darling. I won't do it again."

"I know that dad." You replied. "Seriously Y/n, tomorrow I'm bringing you for pizza when my shift is done to make up for it." He says to you and kisses your forehead.

"Night Y/n, goodnight son." Your dad says and then he leaves the room. You slept in peace and it was a good night afterall.

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