Christopher Herrmann

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Imagine Casey had yelled at you after you had pushed him out of the vicinity of an explosive gas that was deadly

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Imagine Casey had yelled at you after you had pushed him out of the vicinity of an explosive gas that was deadly.

But it had resulted in you getting injured. Then it ended up with you in the hospital, while you rested and got better.

While you were in the hospital, Herrmann had decided, as he was your older brother, that he would set it all right.

"Why you so mad at Y/n?" He asked Casey. "She pushed me. She tried to kill me. I've already decided that she can't be on the team anymore." Casey says to him.

"Y/n wasn't trying to kill you, Casey. She pushed you because, she saved you." Herrmann says to Casey. "Wait, what?" Casey asked him, sounding surprised.

"If you were where you had been standing two seconds longer, then you wouldn't be standing here right now." Christopher Herrmann says.

"So she did it to save my life." Casey says. "Yeah." Herrmann replied to him, simply. "I'm an idiot." Casey says. "Yep." Herrmann says again. "I have to go apologize." Casey says.

"Then you go and do that now, Casey." Herrmann says to him and then Casey walked away and up to your room.

Soon he arrived and he knocked on the door. "Who is it?" You asked. "It's Casey, can I come in?" He asked you. "Sure..." You say and he walked inside.

"Y/n, I owe an apology and then a thank you. For saving my life out there." Casey says and you smiled. "Of course I did. Couldn't let you get hurt now, could I?" You say.

"I'll make it up to you, I promise." Casey says. "Until then, I'll be waiting." You replied and then you both started laughing.

At the end, when you got out and went back to working with your brother, Casey and the others and loved it.

Herrmann also gave you a great deal at Molly's - your drinks went from being half price, to being completely free. The others still had to pay though and they complained about it.

But Herrmann had claimed it was because he was your older brother, but the guys still complained about it for quite a while.

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