Oak Tree

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Remus (16)was so per usual reading his book. However, this one was different to his normal books. Remus typically read adventure books or non-fiction. But this one he found tucked away in a muggle library. It was called 'Maurice' and was about 2 guys at university who fall in love. But it was so much more than that. It was complicated and brilliant and like nothing that Remus had ever read before. He was secretly a hopeless romantic but he found a lot of the romance books cringy. It was always the same thing over and over. But this one was like a breath of fresh air. He was enjoying it as anyone would normally enjoy a book until he got to a kissing scene.

It was noting like the other books where he would skip the pages beavsue she thought that it was unnecessary detail, instead he was enhancuated with it. He didn't realise how deep into the story he got until he heard his name.
"Remus there you are! I've been looking all over" came the voice of none other then sirius black.
He sat next to remus under the tall oak tree just outside the grounds of hogwarts.

"I don't know why I didn't think to look here first. You always end up here. What are you reading anyway?" Sirius asked genuinely curious.
Remus felt his cheeks blush as he desperately tried to come up with a entirely different story. Remus wasn't sure how sirius would react to him residing about two guys kissing.
"Nothing interesting" he came up with although it was clear that Remus wanted to drop the subject.

"Oh come on remus. I'm bored! Amuse me!" After remus still doesn't seem to want to tell sirius what he was reading, sirius dove over remus to stach the book right out of his hands. Sirius was practically laying on remus lap flicking through the pages to try to find out what he was reading.
" Hey give it back!" Remus attempted to trap the book but Sirius hit his hands away.
"Ooooo a romance is it? Who knew our Moony was such a romantic!" Sirius teased as Remus continued to make efforts to grab the book.

"'You do care a little for me, I know but nothing to speak of, and you don't love me. I was yours once till death if you'd cared to keep me' ... My god moony this is dreadfully depressing is it not?" Sirius asks as he turns his head to look at Remus.
"Padfoot come on! It's actually really good and I was enjoying it until I was very rudley interrupted by none other than you." Sirius began to laugh. This distraction may have only been Remus chance to get his book back to he quickly shifted so that sirius rolled off his lap and he pinned him onto the ground, his hands above his head.
" Got you now" Remus said, his laugh dying out when he realised that sirius wasn't laughing along. Remus loosened his grip of Sirius' arms worried.

"Pads have I hurt you?"
"Then what's wrong?"
Sirius took a deep breath in and closed his eyes.
Remus went to sit up and get off of sirius but sirius quickly grabbed his arm gesturing that he wanted him to stay.
A minute or so went by before Sirius finally opened his eyes.
"your actually very handsome, Remus." He said as he put his hand on Remus' cheek.
Remus was confused to say the least and he was for once very speak less.
Sirius took this as a sign to remove his hand but Remus grabbed Sirius' hand and slowly took it down and intertwined their fingers. Sirius grinned looking at the fingers.

"you know your not so bad yourself, Padfoot."
Sirius let out a chuckle. Remus grinned.
"Oi!" At the sudden noise they quickly moved apart from each other as of they were jsut struck by lightning.
They look dover to see James and Peter walking towards them.
"James asked lily out again and you should have seen the look on her face!"
"It wasn't that bad Pete."
"4th rejection mate. Your ego must be plumetting right now."
"It's actually his 7th of you count the times she just walked off and don't reply." Sirius added.
Peter slowly turned to James and began to hysterically laugh.
James let out a sigh and looked over to remus and sirius.
"You guys alright? You look like you've seen a ghost." James asked mildly concerned.
"Nah were fine mate don't worry" Remus replied as he stood up offering Sirius a hand which he accepted.
The touch of their hands lingered for a few seconds more than it should have. Even after they dropped hands they continued their eye contact.
James seemed to notice but Peter being completely oblivious started to make up a song about James many rejections.

Peter started walking back to the castle (stopping mid song to continue laughing)
"Best be going?" James asked and the 2 other boys nodded.
James started walking to catch up to Peter and give him a slap on the back of his head.
Sirius bent down and picked up the book.
He stared at it for a few seconds before asking "Do you think your like Maurice?"
"What do you mean?"
Sirius thought for a brief second before saying "Never mind" and handing Remus his book back.

The started waking back in silence before Sirius bumped into Remus jokingly.
"You know if you hadn't caisght me off guard I would have still had that book." Remus rolled his eyes and began to laugh.
"You keep telling yourself that pads."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2022 ⏰

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