Chapter 23: A New Path

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Griffin screamed. He kicked at the thing on top of him then suddenly felt himself falling. He hit the cold ground with a smack. Griffin shook his head and looked around. White moonlight streamed in weakly through the lone storage room window. His blankets were twisted and half draped off the bed next to him. A few Elder in the other beds sat up sleepily, glanced at him, then went back to sleep. Something gentle and warm touched his arm and he turned to see that Fern had gotten out of bed and now crouched next to him.

"Want to take a walk?" she whispered.

He nodded, not trusting himself to speak just yet. He grabbed his cloak and followed Fern outside. They walked around the water mill, over the stream, then back around again. Griffin kept a safe berth from the forest, refusing to even look at the night-darkened trees.

"I hate it," he finally spoke, his voice a half-whisper. "I hate being so...terrified of him."

Fern held his gaze for a moment. Nodded. They continued walking.

"I don't know what to do."

"It'll get better," Fern promised quietly. "We'll leave behind all the humans. All memories of this place. And in time, the nightmares will fade."

"I hope so."

Fern cocked her head thoughtfully. "This Great Elder that's been mentioned—do you think he could help you?"

Griffin shrugged. "Is he even alive?"

"Maybe. And if he is, maybe he's in the Land of Green and Gold."


They finished a few more circles and Griffin slowed as they drew close to the front of the water mill. "I feel a better now. Thanks."


She hid a yawn and Griffin tilted his head toward the door. "Go back inside?"

Her forehead creased. "Will you be alright going back to sleep?"

"Of course. My nightmares are like lightning—they don't strike twice in one night," he lightly joked.

Fern laughed. "I don't think that's how the saying goes, but okay."

She yawned again and allowed Griffin to lead the way back to the storage room bedroom. He climbed into his bed and lay on his back, staring up into the shadow-hidden ceiling. Once he was certain Fern had fallen back asleep, he climbed out of bed and made his way to the dining room where the flames in the fireplace cast a warm glow over the wood floor. Then he leaned against the wall and waited for morning to come.


He avoided Fern's gaze as she entered the dining room with Meadow.

"Morning," he greeted as the two dryads joined him by the fireplace.

"Good morning!" Meadow returned. She threw a disdainful look at the dining room window. "Looks like fall weather out there."

Fern gave Griffin a hard stare but didn't make any move to question him. She smiled at Meadow. "Maybe that's because it is fall."

Spook walked over to the group. "Hey, hey." He rubbed his apple on his shirt and took a bite.

"Morning." Griffin fiddled with his empty bowl. He'd eaten the oatmeal hours ago.

Spook's gaze drifted across the dining room as more Elder streamed in. "Have you guys seen Glade lately?"

Fern shook her head. "Now that you mention it, no. Not since...before the fight I think?"

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