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Rain, drops of water falling and strong wind, there was no lightning, there was no thunder, only rain and wind. That's what little Jimin saw out the window.

His parents had gone out to buy some things they needed for sale, they had a sale of hot dogs and other snacks.

"Jimin and Hobi are coming here," said his father Nam's voice. He sounded serious.

Jimin looked to see his brother Hoseok, as if looking for an answer that would make his father sound very serious, Hoseok just looked at him and shrugged, he got up from the bed to go to the door being followed by his younger brother.


When they got to the dining room, they saw their parents sitting, their dad Jin had his face dull, you could tell that he had been crying.

Jimin was going to ask why his father looked bad but his other father interrupted him.

"Sit down," Namjoon said. -I need to tell you something-

They took their seats and looked at him.

-What's wrong, Dad?" asked the eldest son, Hoseok.

-Listen children..." he gave a sigh and continued, "You already knew that your grandfather Taehyung had fallen ill, didn't you?

-Last week he was hospitalized, and I told you so you can be calm and everything, I know this is very difficult, it is very difficult for everybody but.... his grandfather Taehyung passed away- Jimin's eyes started to crystallize and Hobi just listened attentively- his grandfather passed away a while ago, doctor Min told us while we were shopping for the sale- a sob from little Jimin was heard, Nam stretched her hand to put it on his- I know it is sad and surprising because just yesterday they told us that his grandfather was improving, that he was responding to the medicines, but this was for the moment- he finished and lowered his head- do you have any questions, anything you want to say? asked

-How did it happen? I thought he was already well," asked Hoseok.

-It was while he was sleeping, calmly he did not feel pain, we still thought he was fine, his lungs were fine but his heart was already very tired, he tried very hard to get better, he was very strong, but the moment came when his heart got tired and he could not take it anymore, he decided to rest- his voice was cut off in the last sentence- but no pain happened, I want you to know that your grandfather did not suffer in his last moment, he left in peace, he left in the most peaceful way someone can leave- a sob from Jin and Jimin was heard- this news makes us sad but think about something, think that he is already in a better place, he doesn't feel pain anymore, we have to be strong, for his grandfather Jungkook, we have to tell him but let's try not to cry in front of him, we don't want him to get upset. - She stopped for a moment to look at her husband and children- if it hurts us, it will hurt him more, because he lost the person with whom he shared 62 years of his life, he lost his partner, the love of his life, his best friend, we have to be strong for him, yes?

The two nodded.

He got up from his chair and went with his two sons to the room where his father-in-law was.

His in-laws did not live with them but when his father-in-law Taehyung was hospitalized, they did not want to leave Jungkook alone at home, so they took him with them so that he would not think so much about his husband and would be distracted by his grandchildren and not be all the time worried about his husband who was in the hospital.

SeokJin, on the other hand, was sitting at the dining table, crying again, trying to assimilate the death of his father, it hurt him a lot, his father Taehyung always looked like a strong man, even at his age of 86 he looked strong, he played racing with his grandchildren, he did many things that people his age did not, he looked like a healthy man. At what point did he decline so much.

She got up from her chair, she wanted to be there when her husband gave the news to his other father, she wanted to be there to hug him, to show him that he was not alone.

Slowly she opened the door and the first thing she saw was her father Jungkook sitting on his bed, with his children at his sides and her husband standing in front of him.

He approached Namjoon and Namjoon hugged him.

He cleared his throat and spoke.

Father-in-law... I have something to tell you.

-You want to renew marriage vows with my son," said a smiling jungkook, "because with that phrase you started when you went to tell us that you were in love with him and that you wanted to be his boyfriend," he laughed remembering that moment, "of course you can renew vows, for that you don't need my permission, in fact make a big party, plan it. Taehyung will be very happy to know that you do love his son," he laughed again, "that man was always very jealous of his son," he said.

He's the one I have to talk to you about, father-in-law," and jungkook's smile turned into a serious grimace. Listen, my father-in-law Taehyung... Jin's grip on him tightened and Jungkook just burst into tears.

-How-how?" she was in shock, her husband was supposed to be fine. -My TaeTae died? No no, he can't be dead. No, he told me that when he came back from being hospitalized we would watch an Avengers marathon," she sobbed, "no no no Jin let go of her husband and went quickly to hug her father who was about to fall to his knees and cry.

The children only went to their father Namjoon.

Jungkook was crying for a while but some time later he fell asleep in his son's arms, SeokJin or Jinnie as Taehyung used to call him, settled his father on the bed and together with his family left the room.

The children went to their room to sleep, they were still sick, Jimin had stopped crying 5 minutes ago, he was the first one to lie down on his bed and wrap himself in the sheets.

Instead Hoseok just sat on his bed, a moment later he hugged his knees and cried, maybe he had not cried when he received the news, but he was crying now.

He was crying now because he reacted and realized what had happened, his grandfather had passed away, he was not going to see or hear him again. That night he cried himself to sleep.

On the other hand, in SeokJin and Namjoon's room, they were lying on the double bed.

SeokJin was sobbing in Namjoon's arms, who was holding him close to his chest, trying to comfort him, it hurt her very much to see her husband doing so, but she understood what he was feeling. He still wanted to cry for the death of his father-in-law, he was like a father to him, but he had to be strong for his husband, children and his other father-in-law.

Her husband fell asleep in her embrace, hugging him tightly, seeking her warmth and refuge in him.

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