Back to Japan!

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As we all loaded onto the private plane in the early morning, about 2:36 A.M., I was quickly debriefed with my second in command, Alexsandr. 

"Good morning you two. I hope you all are ready. You'll be landing at an American Military Base 10 minutes out from Tokyo. From there you will be transported from the base to U.A, there they will have temporary shelter set up for you. The big festival is in a week and we suspect an attack from the Quirkless Union of Freedom. You all will be involved in making sure the attack doesn't happened and if it does, repeal it and take down as many of them as possible. Good luck you all." The call ends as Alexsandr then speaks.

"I guess you'll handle all the talking?" I just nod as I check my pockets for my cigarettes. When I find them I take out the pack, remove one, put it in-between my lips then light it. I inhale feeling the smoke enter my lungs.

"That isn't very healthy comrade." spoke the older Russian man. I simply shrug in response. "I've kind of reinforced this idea in my head that I could die at any moment, so might as well enjoy what I have at the moment." as I draw another hit from the cigarette. I check my phone to see it was 2:40 A.M., meaning my mom was probably awake now as it was 11:40 A.M. in Japan. I simply text her a 'I love you' message. She quickly responds, saying it back. I put out my cigarette and look over to Alexsandr to see he was asleep. Knowing it was going to be a long trip, I quickly joined him, knowing that in a 12 hours, we would be landing in at the American Military Base.

12 hours later...

I suddenly feel a jolt as I'm woken up by the jolt of the plane landing, as it wakes up everyone else. As it came to a stop, we all offloaded, with our stuff. Standing there is an American Genreal.

"Welcome. I'm Gen. Garvy. And you must be Mr. Midoriya?" he says outstreching his hand. I shake it and speak. "Yes sir. So, will you all be involved in the operation in anyway?" The General just smiled. "Yes we are. We'll have Airforce going over making sure everything is alright and give you a warning to the attack, while we'll have 140 soldiers on stand-by making sure everything goes to plan, led by Staff Sargent Wilkins." I just nod along, knowing that we soon had to get to U.A., to set up everything we will need for the mission. "Well, we should get going." The General spoke. As he said that,3 trucks pulled up. Everyone got into separate trucks. I just stared out the window, watching as we left the base, and in 10 minutes hit Tokyo. The city was still beautiful, with flashing lights and people walking down the street doing many thing, whether it be talking to eating to watching their phones. One man was even playing bagpipes, which I found funny. After about 30 minutes we reached my hometown, Mustsafsu, where U.A. is located. It took another 10 minutes at least until we reached the huge campus of U.A. I could tell everyone else in the truck I was in was shell shocked at the size. For me though, it brought back the darkest moment of my life. I haven't talked to my friends from here since I was...17? Christ, 5 years, and I cut off all my contacts to U.A. Then I remember one person...Eri. Shit. We slowly begin to exit the truck as I get into the bed of it and hand my group their equipment, Alexsandr doing the same for the truck he was in. I sigh, knowing even after all these years, I never wanted to be back here, but it always comes full circle. As we walk in, we are greeted by none other then Nezu. "

"Hello you all! I am Principle Nezu, of U.A. We are the top hero school in the country, as well the world. We also have top tier support classes and classes for normal education!" I look at him. He helped with me being kicked from this school. But, he either ignored me or didn't notice who I was, as he keep going. We were given a whole tour, but no one seemed to notice me, which I didn't mind. Eventually, we were lead to out barracks which were extremely nice, with a T.V., table, the whole thing. Like a cheaper version of the dorms I used to stay in when I came here. I quickly set up my stuff, and caught up with Nezu before he left.

"Nezu! We need to talk." I yell out to him. He turns around and looks at me. "Yes Izuku, what is it you need?" So, he did know who I was.

"Classes are still in not in session as it's lunch time, right?" I ask. He nods. "I'm surprised you remembered that Izuku. But yes, you are correct. I guess you want to go talk to your old teachers and Eri, correct?" I just nod, as the bear, dog, mouse thing guessed correctly. He led me into the school before going over the loud speaker when we reached his office. "Eraserhead, Midnight, Present Mic and Young Eri to my office please." He then turned and looked at me. "Hide in that cabinet, I want to see their reaction to seeing you." I chuckle and do as he says, leaving it slightly cracked open to see. After about 10 minutes they all entered at once. "What is it, Nezu?" Aizawa spoke. Nothing changed, except his hair it slightly longer. Midnight's baby bump was noticeable, and she looked a lop happier, and Present Mic looked exactly the same. And Eri...Woah. She was 12 now. She was much taller and her hair was much shorter. Her horn had grown a good amount.

Nezu smiled and spoke. "I have gotten you all a present. You can come out now." As I step out of the cabinet, I see everyone's eyes go wide, and Eri's fill with tears. "P-Problem Child?" Aizawa spoke. "Yes sir." I then feel something run into me and wrap there arms around my waste. "Deku!!" I look down to see who it was and it was the little girl I helped save. I pull her into a hug as I feel her tears in my shoulder. "You look so much older." Midnight spoke, with shock. Present Mic, for the first time ever, was speechless. "Where did you go, after everything?" asked my old teacher.

"After everything happened, I graduated, and then went into the police and got into the SAT. After that, I began to rise through the ranks and boom. Ended up in a huge organization to help stop terrorism." Aizawa nods. "After everything, you still became a hero in your own way." said Midnight. We talked for another hour, before I decided I needed to head back to the barracks. When I got there, everyone was playing cards and stuff. We basically relaxed the rest of the day until it was time to sleep. I knew tomorrow, I would have to visit everyone again. But meet the Prime Minister first so we can get those heroes.

(A/N: A longer chapter, I hope you enjoy. I finished this one in about 2 and 1/2 hours, so don't excpet it to be perfect. I'll come back and edit that soon. Good morning, afternoon or night whoever you are!!)

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